Whizbang’s Heroes Twist Updates

Liadrin gets destroyed by almost any other deck, unless you draw the perfect card each turn, yet they nerf her. Dr. Boom is no-brain deck that counters most of Twist decks, yet they buff him. I hope the person responsible for these changes starts playing the game from time to time.

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With last changes somethink went horribly wrong with Arch-Villain Rafaam cause in my last game agaist Thorim I had 25HP same as my opponent instead of 45. Someone had this issue too ? Its cool to be crushed even more playing him :slight_smile:

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A good half of the decks are unplayable, good job. Changes to heroes’ health is the laziest form of nerf/buff you could come up with.
Marin has only 2 cards in his deck that can heal him, no taunt minions and no board clear. Good luck getting with him to 7-8 mana, where he starts to shine, against decks like Kael’thas that can easily destroy you by the 5th turn.
Amazing patch.

I really like the idea and concept of this mode, and played it a lot but I can’t stand it now. Every game is against a Marin that plays 30-card-in-one-turn-solitaire. BORING AS HELL.

Instead of banning Thorim, you should have banned Marin.

Nice patch. Illidan, Al’Akir, Marin, Rafaam, Leeroy, Liadrin - all useless rubbish that get destroyed in 5 turns.
But sure, keep buffing ETC, Kael’thas, Dr. Boom, Zul’jin.
Stop throwing darts at a board while blindfolded when making decisions on that to change in this game and start actually looking at your data. These are some lazy, useless changes and you sholdn’t get paid for doing such a poor job.