Whinning about powercreep is dumb

Because the world is simple.

For sure you can discuss every single minimal detail but more important than that is the direction.
If you know the direction then the method to reach is a mere detail.

As for hearthstone interaction during opponent’s turn.
What does not have solution is as good as it can be already. It isn’t that you’re wrong in mentioning that but that it isn’t as insigthful as you think since it will not change.

How is that a counter to what I said? You would PRAY that they don’t draw well?

What if you power creep the rest of the deck too?

What will you do when all cards power creeped?

Will you only have 1 minion alive at all times?

Why do you care? I mainly care about dust optimization if I get bored, and at some point it’s probably more dust to play tickets in Arena.

I mean, I pretty much had a stroke trying to read your post… but no… you need to follow logic.

The easiest way to follow logic in terms of balance (and this is actually really easy since it’s dealing with a game where you can’t do anything on your opponents’ turn) is take the extreme. If powercreep was so bad to where you were able to win on turn 1… it LOGICALLY FOLLOWS that you should want to limit as much as possible the amount of POWER each player has during each turn… If it is the case that you’re wanting to keep as much player agency and input of decision making as a means for victory…


Exactly. But they still overdid it as regards the insanity of it…for example: for Warrior, in particular, Boomboss is a win condition and so on all on his own, because of how bs the powercreep on his card is, and then multiply that when paired with the new deepCrapper Brann…

It isn’t gonna start have interaction on opponent turn Just because you think It should.

It is literally one of the selling points of the game.

Is that explanation better?

It is a non movable part of the game so talk about it is pointless.

It’s like you didn’t actually read or understand what I wrote at all.