Whinning about powercreep is dumb

Well when I asked about Hearthstone alternatives I definitely meant online. I even think physical CCGs are completly different beasts and can be barely compared to online CCGs.
Also all your sugestions are really weird, obscure anime/manga stuff which I have negative interest in. I automaticaly skip anything related to Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh and such. I also have zero interest in superhero stuff, so Marvel Snap is also no-no for me.
I am more interested in classic stuff like Hex, SolForge, Spellweaver. If I recall correctly, behind some of this were pretty big names (and by that I mean Richard Garfield big), but non of it survived despite hype in their time…

Nope, never heard of. Checked it now and yet again weird anime stuff - see above…

Of course I care about that for purely practical reason. If we are talking online , large player base means bigger support, shorter queues and many more benefits. If the game is dead then it is dead…

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By having 0 mana destroy an enemy minion.

Also… are we really entering the 0 nuance world Just to defend that ?

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They could, if they really really wanted to, they infact do it at any moment.
It would just require doing alot of nerfs (and this give alot of refunds)


I don’t mind powercreep as long as counter power creeps alongside it. The problem isn’t powercreep, the problem is specific strategies and cards being printed that require little to no setup or permanently take over the game with not enough viable counterplay baked into the game. Kil’jaden, once the battlecry has gone off, has zero counterplay. Same goes for Shudderwock once it’s played. Proper control cards and board clears are only either dog crap, or busted and unfairly wipe the most extreme boards equally, with no in between. With the dog crap board clears being bizarrely overcosted. And the really good ones are way too good. Like Reno. Reno is great as an emergency button, but it also wipes a board even if the player is ahead and has huge board presence, and then just kills you. As much as some people don’t like The Ceaseless expanse, at least it wipes the friendly board too, and is hard countered by hard removal due to being a body on board. Just like Aggro, Control is supposed to have an end. It isn’t supposed to be unlimited resources, just a greater wealth of resources that exhausts much slower, and is slower on the punch. It’s why so many hated Control Warrior, because it just refused to run out of gas. They had a spare canister of fuel and then some. So even if the other player was seemingly wearing them down and shutting down everything Control Warrior was throwing at them, they just had more and more to give. Also screw Mill strategies. Should never ever be anything above a meme deck. Kil’jaden Mill Druid is the most toxic piece of bile since Grand Magister Mage sat comfortably next to Shudderwock.

Basically I like higher power, but the higher power is being expressed in a way that involves a load of going infinite with inexhaustible resources and locking out the opponent. You know it’s funny, the only way I’m making Control Warlock semi work without crap like The Wheel of Death is also an old card, Runed Mythril Rod. I literally have to reduce the cost of my cards several times to keep up in terms of power with this strategy. It’s not that these cards are bad for Warlock, they just cost way too much for where Hearthstone is currently with crazy explosive one or two card plays.

I think Kibler’s latest “State of Hearthstone” video pointed to the real problem. Powercreep is not it. Team 5 need to stop ignoring the basics of a digital card game’s mechanics. Meaningful interaction is board based. If you forgo that there is no more meaningful interaction. That principle should be core and center and has nothing to do with powercreep.

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When we gonna remove bob then?
Because he is 100% the epitome of non interaction.

Literally remove the minion of the board with silence, frost nova and we could even argue that multiple copies of a card in your deck is not only random but uninteractive since you can’t grasp what card have extra copies until they play negating any planning.

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And then you don’t draw the 0 mana on first round and die.

Or you do draw and the game is BORING-SIMPLE as hell.

You see power creep is crap.

V-07-tr-on prime would like to have some words with ya, but yes most if the titans i agree with ya with. Kiljaeden is a good example as well


Power Creep can be handled in game. There’s not much you can do when the game just isn’t fun. Pretty sure that is the problem most players are having with standard right now. It’s just boring and not fun with little room to be creative.

I cannot really saying exactly why but i lost all energy to climb last month. It just wasn’t fun to play. The climbing part played no part in it.

Or you don’t draw the 999/999 minion and i’m don’t even need to remove.

Sorry but there is far more to it than “powercreep bad”.

I have thought about this a lot. I know for a long time that to me, fun is in winning. And no matter the game state, I’m having fun, because I win a lot.

However, lately, times have changed, because the meta has changed to the one more conducive to slower, control decks, which brought a sudden contrast between my favorite, aggro meta, and its direct opposite, control meta. That’s a shock, which made me both suffer in the dumpster ranks and experiment with new, bad, but fun decks, because none of the viable meta decks were any fun to me, and because the edge they had over the other ones were miniscule.

In other words, the game was overly balanced.

Now, I found a few broken decks. I’ve regained my edge and returned to the top 200 on multiple servers. And with it, the fun returned.

So, while playing fun decks, I suffered because I was losing. Now I play winning decks and I have fun because I’m winning.

With that said,

Are you sure you’re not just like really into winning, just like I am? If that’s so, you just need to start winning again xD

EDIT: Sure, it’s harder to win in meta which is directly opposite to your preferred playstyle, but there’s always a deck or two with playstyle very similar to yours in every meta, which are viable. I always manage to find a few of them. I think it’s because those decks are scissors for some of the paper decks.

I think the game is not fun when it’s overly balanced. We need some decks to be broken. It’s the truth of it.

Not really. I know i could grind my way to legend but that has always been more of a chore to me that was no big deal. However, i could always find something interesting and fun to grind with. I just find nothing interesting in this meta to motivate me to grind. Maybe the mini set will show me something interesting to play.

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Maybe I can help you with the search.

What are your preferred decks in history? Stick to this year, pls, I’ve been away for a few years before that

I don’t have a preferred year of play. I just see cards and think about how to use them and then run with an idea. I’m just not seeing anything i haven’t already played this year.

I’m by no means upset about this. I play BG’s mostly anyway but the monthly climb is usually when i play constructed and play something off the wall till legend and then stop. I really liked the Twist season with those premade decks they had. It’s was fun to just randomly pick one and see what you can do with it.


Ahh, yes, I haven’t tried Twist, but I know what you’re talking about. I like that the most in this game, too.

I’ve been trying to find a “golden egg”, a deck which relies heavily on RNG, but is a slower, control one, not a mindless aggro, but I haven’t managed to build one.

Maybe because I’m bad at control decks, maybe because I’m bad at deckbuilding, maybe both.

Or maybe because it isn’t possible.

So the closest to that feeling I could find, at the moment, are:

a) Attack DH
b) Weapon Rogue
c) Supernova Mage
d)Elemental Mage

Those 4 decks fit the type really well, because they’re all about maximizing the efficiency of your turns (every mana spent, limited resources, etc)

Supernova is my favorite of the bunch, but unfortunately also the worst of them winrate-wise, but a good one to have in mind for eventual meta shifts. I’m sure there’s a meta in which this deck would be broken to the bones.

EDIT: Those decks also heavily rely on experimentation in order to learn. You will play a lot of different games until you learn which combo is stronger against what matchups. It’s neverending fun to me.

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That is interesting and as a player.

We could use a little more chaos in general. But then i look at some cards and see blizzard doing the exact opposite.

  1. Blizzard really need to conduct the meta so much?

I not saying for blizzard to don’t touch the game but they are clearly pushing “insert whatever the new expansion mechanic is” lately and they are getting so lazy that we got the last expansion.
Not that the meta had 0 changes but you really don’t need to be a expert to see that entire “we just change until it works” is making the design utterly bad.

When they interfere with that purpose on the chaos we basically lose and the metagame always get smaller. Period. Lately they aren’t doing small touches on cards anymore.
They are returning to doing deck breaking nerfs.

  1. While i know that we should not believe on what blizzard says by experience. I would like to be able to.

Remember blizzard saying they would not nerf cards based on other classes using they via tourists?
Enough said here. When i hear something like that i atleast expect a very long and good explanation when they break a promise to the playerbase.
Instead they did not even mentioned that and hoped people would forget.

And well they always get away with exact because of the powercreep whinners that talk so much about principles for gaming lose even the real life ones it fits their agenda and start defending blizzard literally lying.

3.Some old cards deserve better. Period.

I know it is not easy to discuss that but when you you have a card that proposes challenge to the player. Those cards should be buffed when needed.
That because this type of gameplay is engaging.

As a mage player one example of card like this is infinitize the maxitude.
It is a very simple card BUT when you have cards that have some dynamic behind where some set of skill can be showcased you should be sure said card is viable during all it’s time in standard regardless of wanting the metagame to change.

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Yes. That’s exactly how I see them, as well xD

Too transparent at forcing us at obvious things so their life of balancing is easier.

That’s very…rude. If nothing else.

I just hope it’s only temporary, to prepare the field for something they’re building. That thought also occured to me. They’re a practical, pragmatic bunch of adolescents. Gen Z. If that’s true, this is much more likely to to be true, as laziness comes with high intelligence, and none of them have their IQ-s big enough to be this lazy.

Tik-Tok and Instagram took care of that.

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I settled on playing my old Handbuff Paladin for two hours. Haven’t played ladder for a week but man there are so many Shaman decks. Worg and Razorscale still getting massive work done in this meta. Now i need to get motivated to finish the diamond climb.


It’s a nuanced complex issue, why would you keep it simple unless you don’t understand it? Oh wait you don’t.

I’ll try and keep it as simple as possible for you: In a game where you can’t do anything on your opponents turn, power creep becomes exponentially worse in terms of agency. It doesn’t matter win rates or class distribution. It’s all about how the game itself is played. If you don’t understand this very simple aspect of a complex issue… then you really shouldn’t be making embarrassing posts like this.


I can’t remember the downside can you remind me ?