Which hero cosmetic skin is your mascot?

Dear players!!! :milky_way:

Let’s participate in a special quiz - “Which hero cosmetic skin is your mascot or talisman for each class in Traditional Hearthstone?” :thought_balloon:

I’ll make a list of my best heroes cosmetic skins, which give me a luck and confidence in the game: :+1:

  1. Ragnaros from “Eternal Flame Bundle” (shaman)
  2. Celestial Dragon from “Fractured in Alterac Valley” rewards track (mage)
  3. Snowflipper Rexxar from “Winter Veil Chill Bundle” (hunter)
  4. Little Lion Anduin from “Ferocious Fur Ball Bundle” (priest)
  5. Winter’s Little Helper Nemsy from “Winter Veil Chill Bundle” (warlock)
  6. Sabertender Illidan from “Ferocious Fur Ball Bundle” (demon hunter)
  7. Valeera the Nice from “Winter Veil Chill Bundle” (rogue)
  8. Pirate King Garrosh from “Hallow’s End” celebration (warrior)
  9. Xuen from “Sacred Celestials Bundle” (druid)
  10. Ascended Uther from “Shadowlands Bundle” (paladin)

I want to wish a good luck for all players and I want that everybody could find his own hero skin, which brings a fortune and success!!! :trophy:

Any waifu skin does well for me. Though I am still missing shaman and warrior. Some of my favorites are Aranna which I got right when she came out and I don’t think I ever used my Illidan portrait. Alleria who I wanted for a while and obtained when she became available for in game gold. Maiev is another favorite of mine since I recieved her way back when I started playing as my first cosmetic skin. :smiley:
Edit: Oh yeah of course every Jaina skin that comes out individually. :stuck_out_tongue:


Did You get all cosmetic skins of Jaina or You still need to collect a few of them? :thought_balloon:

Priest - Original Tyrande portrait. Because NE priests are cooler and anduin sucks
Mage - Just original jaina.
Warlock - Original Gul’dan.
Shaman - Original Thrall
Druid - Lunara. I always liked dryads and heroes of the storm is awesome
Paladin - original uther
Warrior - Original garrosh
Rogue - Maiev. Much better than valeera
Hunter - original rexxar
DH - original illidan

I’m not a portrait collector. If I was, that’d change my answers considerably. Having Kel’thuzad or prestor for mage would be cool. Same with Vessina for Shaman. And I’d love to get my hands on the val’kyr

I use the new blossom druid portrait- it looks like Belle Delphine.

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Demon Hunter: Demonbane Illidan
Druid: Druid of the Flame Malfurion
Hunter: None, all of them are meh imo Edit: On second thought, Dragonstalker and Mech are good portraits.
Mage: None, same reason as the above
Paladin: Horseman Uther (I would 100% buy it if I could with gold)
Priest: None, same reason as the above
Rogue: Edwin or Maiev
Shaman: The Thunder King or RAGNAROS (Ragnaros buyable with gold when???)
Warlock: Fel Colossus Gul’dan, N’zoth or MECHA JARAXXUS (pls make them buyable with gold Blizz I BEG OF THEE)
Warrior: Has to be my boy Deathwing (also make available again with gold pliz)

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the Varden Dawngrasp prortraits for Mage. just think they’re a neat character idea & design. And the Snowman Thrall for Shaman

Shaman - Ragnaros, Vashj, or Morgl
Mage - Prestor, Kul Tiran Jaina or Arcanist Jaina
Hunter - Sylvanas
Priest - Survivor or Lightweaver Xyrella
Warlock - Tamsin Triumphant
Demon Hunter - Aranna
Rogue - Diao Chan Valeera
Warrior - Annhylde
Druid - Elise
Paladin - Liadrin or Yrel

I’m glad they’ve made so many skins and heroes. Makes for customization a lot more fun.

I use all of the new spring portraits for eight out of the ten characters. For paladin and shaman I use the prestige portraits since they didn’t make a spring portrait for either class.

The real mascot of hearthstone is the original Jaina portrait.

As a stand against tyranny, oppression, those who oppress human rights, and censorship everywhere!

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Xuen from “Sacred Celestials Bundle” (druid) – # 1
all his sound bites are perfect – “Anger does not empower you. It makes you weak.”