Where was the real nerfs?!

Not a single nerf to the currently oppressive and toxic shadow priest and Pure Paladin decks?!

What are the devs smoking over there?
Most of these nerfs werent even to cards that were problematic. So angry right now. Its like they dont even care about the state of the game…


Shadow priest got a tap… they nerfed Basaleph.

Changing 1 mana cost on 1 card is not enough in the current state of the game I think… They should change a lot of priest and paladin aggro cards to reach results in weaking them… because they are horribly fast… But also needs to change the DK drastically… some mana cost changing worth nothing… take away half of the AOE and Healing of DK… THEN there will be balance change… these small card adjustments won’t change anything… The main problem of the game is the following right now in my opinion: DK’s are unbeatable mostly because of their unlimited AOE and Destroy stuff… Aggro is unbeatable because of their unlimited fast growing… these two needs to go and everything will be fine… Don’t forget Tony druid either… those needs to be nerfed also because Druids are using their mana cheat ability, thats the only reason why Tony is usable only with Jailer… But until developers can’t even realize that… there is no hope for a real change in the balance.

I think one mana nerf can be much more effective than anyone wants to admit, but I think this time it was the wrong nerf for priest. I would have made the spell to give all their minions reborn one mana or made it only affect one minion.

Their win con is sticky boards that overwhelm, and that card is a driver of bad play when they do minimum six face damage even if the minion doesn’t attack because of the reborn deathrattle.

people always understimate the impact of mana cost increasing by 1 …

Yes I do, when the main problem is that, aggro can kill half of my HP in 5 turns unavoidably… thank you…

Yeah they seem to often think it will have a much bigger effect than it usually ever does. People always seem to underestimate just how useless the nerf is. (Barring some minor cases such as Odd vs Even decks etc)

They don’t. Not one bit.

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Of course they don’t as it is all about money nothing else and these are changes the WHALES wanted no one else.

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blood dk is also so fun to face. devs clearly unbiased there.

This last patch has effectively killed Druid this meta by nerfing Anub’Rekan. Not sure what they were thinking on that one. It wasn’t like Druid was tier one or considered especially oppressive.

Cope. The nerf did absolutely nothing to affect druid in the control matchup, and was a light nerf to the aggro matchup.