Where is brann bronze beard in wild? I paid money for him

Doesn’t that meet the grounds for a lawsuit? Paying for something to have it removed?

League of Explorers, where he’s always been.


He’s in a few of my wild decks. Sounds like you don’t have him yet or are doing something wrong or a bug.

SuddenReal is right, but the way the core set is coded is weird. One of my prepatch decks with Brann was marked as wild and the system told me I can’t play it in wild, because Brann cannot be found, even tho I also own the original Brann. That means both cards are separate cards even tho they are the same card.

Long story short: Just check your league of explorer set, if you own it, there is your old Brann.


That’s true. When making a deck, the collection favours the Core Set when it comes to duplicates, so when the Core Set rotates, you’re using the “wrong version”.


i want to know where the paladin secret Reckoning went. It’s totally missing from the collection even crafted missing page but someone still played it against me. Also I had it from before.

My bet is that you will found it probably in Legacy?

no it doesn’t show up there either a true bug

Apparently Blizzard is aware Reckoning is missing and it will be fixed in an upcoming patch. Also, you didn’t have it from before since it was introduced in the Core Set, not a previous expansion.


Maybe it has sth. to do with the fact that Reckoning has no set foundation that’s why it was probably deleted automatically, when the core set changed. Are there other cards that were created like Reckoning?

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It’s an oversight from Blizzard. That 2/1 Pirate that makes your next weapon cost 1 less is in the Legacy Set (Bloodsail something, strangely enough it’s not on the website), but Reckoning slipped the cracks.


What money paid? Core is free. Unless you meant you paid for LoE and missing that version of Brann for some reason.

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i feel this. i upgraded my normal one to golden while he was considered “core set” and now that they removed him from core i no longer have a golden one, just the regular one

Please do check, because that’s NOT how it works! You can’t craft cards from the Core Set! So, any upgrade you did was to the original one, because you can’t upgrade a card from the Core Set! You earn the golden versions, you don’t craft them.

alls i know is for the last year and a half i have had a GOLDEn Brann in my deck for wild renathal warlock cause i specifically made the whole deck golden for the golden coin

How many wins do you have? Because you unlock the golden versions of legendaries after 5000 wins.

M profile page shows 16,208 total ranked wins and 3,215 with warlock

There you go. That’s how you got the Golden Core Set Brann.

Cards in core have different coding than their original versions for some reason