When will you nerf Timewarp quest?

Mages recasting 1 more turn card over and over and copying Sorcerer’s Apprentice to burn you with 0 mana cost spells 40 health in 2 turns. You cant do anything just wait your death.

Nerf the quest already. Do not allow them to recast 1 more turn card more than once.

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You can concede, and should


God forbid NEVER! There is a possibility that you will concede in the first round. (Mage is my favorite class, even though I don’t like playing with this build.)

i have the quest but the infite loop isnt fun i rather use it to attack twice with my current board

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isn’t this only in wild now?

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Met one before. Became RPG after he got his combo for a few turns after (all are his turns) and i dont even know whats going on.

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