When will you nerf Shudderwock?

Nerf this card already. Make its effect once per game. Absolutely OP card if you cant steal it before they use it.

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You’re obsessed with nerfs :slight_smile:


And you seem obsessed with finding randos to insult on here. It’s a fun past time I’ll admit but one has to at least pretend to contribute to a thread on here every now and again

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Im just in love with nabz :heart:


Phen’s daily Nerf Post… brought to you by, Shudderwock!

OP isnt a random

hes been here for years making daily one post "nerf "threads like this one


Lmao! Shudderwock? The 6 year old legendary? Lol lol lol lol lol if you’re calling for a nerf to this card I wonder what you wanna do to the other 50 cards that are better than this one. Yikes now I remember why don’t come to the hearthstone forums anymore… full of crying and whining …omg I just wanna bang my head off the pavement …

dont know which ones are those 50 cards you are talking about

but OP probably made a nerf thread for each one …