When will you nerf Shaman Shudderwock?

Can you please nerf this card to repeat the battlecries only once per game?. Why you still dont touch this card after years it is totally OP. Just nerf it already.


You should try to play Shudderwock yourself. Maybe you’ll like it

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They will have to do this. They did it to Time Warp even though it isn’t a Priest card or a dragon.

So long as shudderwock exists nobody can say their main strat is bad, because something as braindead as the card that can kill you if you think drawing cards is the most useful battecry you own but can still be impossible to fight if you own blade master Okani or Mutantus is “balanced” because it’s only effective in the hands of competent people. Or at least that’s the reasoning I had forced down my throat.
…Oh you wanted to know how to STOP the combo before it gets unwinable? Well I can tell you right now mad duke theotar and Prince “NYAH. I SEE YOU BROUGHT GUESTS UWU” are too slow to even think about stopping it. My advice is to open a bunch of boomsday packs and become over reliant on the projects that transform a random minion in both players hands.

Shudderwock is fixed if you add the line, “Always costs 9.”

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If they nerfed the mage, that’s next on the list. I hope it’s as quick as possible, soon my little shaman collection will turn to ashes!!