When will you nerf Rommath and Potion of illusion?

If you dont want to nerf the quest why you let copy and recast Rommath and potion of illusion over and over. You cant do anything,.

Just nerf this. I dont know why you didnt do it long ago already HS devs.

Because they want to repackage those “old” cards into 80 dollar bundles.

It’s because Wild is not profitable and is not worth trying to balance over 15 expansions worth of cards

It is profitable because it’s the evergreen mode of the game. If certain problems (like Time Warp/Rommath) are not addressed, the most loyal customers will stop supporting/playing the game. No one is asking for them to actually balance Wild. The only thing people are asking is for very small focused change to small number of problem cards/strategies, so that a greater number of people will play and enjoy (and if they play and enjoy, they may also spend), which does in turn create profit. I know it’s difficult to think about as it’s more complicated than what you learned in Business 101, but keeping your oldest and most loyal players with small common sense target balancing (which would ultimately take like, a day of “work” for an unpaid intern), is a very sensible use of time/money turn into profit.

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They will do everything you ask the day you start posting anything but “nerf this thing I just lost to”


Your high as a kite thinking wild players are loyal. Wild is a byproduct of standard. People are not rushing to buy expansion sets unlike standard. If Blizzard truly cared the problem would have been resolved a long time ago concerning nerf request like pirate rogue. They made one attempt to focus on wild with the bundles with caverns. Since then wild has been all but ignored. Go to the store and you will find Nothing concerning wild. Go to the seasonal event or quest and you will not find anything concerning wild when it comes to mechanics.

Simply put, most wild players don’t pay for wild products. They are either standard players using old decks or players trying not to spend money.

Business 101: Focus on the product that sells.

Why would they do that when they are banning those players? Bans are based on player reporting and since player reporting is toxic and misused the players with the most player reports are the long standing players. This game is nearing its end.

Archangel I’m sorry but wooosh, the point is way over there :point_right:, I can help you find it if need be

Game has been “dead” for many years now, probably since around BB left. But it is of course still sometimes entertaining to beat a dead horse