When Will You nerf Dew Process?

Stop with this non sense card. Just nerf it already Blizzard. Do not allow recast it through Solar Eclipse. Tired of Mill Druids. You can’t do anything against them.


“wave” i went druid exactly cause of that card, i knew the issues it would cause, i’d be playing my reno priest if not for that

btw whats your rank at btw ? i haven’t seen many mill druid beside myself

also what deck are you playing ?, i know mill is toxic, but are you playing a toxic deck yourself ?.. also have you consider all the other toxic decks going on around ?

Tamsin lock,
Mill warlock(either the reno type or treachery type)
curse warlock
giant lock+loatheb to deny board clear(force opponent to skip their turn and die if since they can’t board clear due to mana lockdown)

mine rogue
giant rogue+ loatheb

infinite turns mage
luna pocket galaxy mage(would be an issue if highter tier broken decks all get nerf)

and many other problematic decks not coming off the top of my head right now

i did point a mass amount of cards that should of been nerf previously and guess what, they dont care, current devs love uninteractivity, you can’t fix stupid, they only listen when streamers make lots of noise, also they dont pay attention to this forum 1 bit, for them the forum is where bad players reside, they only read feedback on a certain website(twitch i believe ?)


You’re seriously complaining about treachery warlock, a deck that was good for about 6 months 2 or 3 years ago and has otherwise always been terrible?

Bro, pass me some of whatever you’re smoking.

The Druid has countless incredible decks, but the deck: Mill Druids is the most efficient and very anti-game!! It’s because Hearthstone is an indie game and only one person “manages” the most fun mode in the game: wild mode! I bet there’s no one managing wild mode. They only do something when they release a new patch!

I ignore the existence of this deck and I’m going to play Reno Mage HEAVY, even though I have everything for Druid too! (I’ve played with everything you can imagine in a combo with Druid, but today, the most efficient druid deck is Mill Druids.)