When will you neerf Dew Process and Naturalize?

Plus gaining Armor at free cost. Why dont you nerf Druids? Casting 5 times Dew Process in a single game dont you think it is good Blizzard?
Loot the Chest another card that should be nerfed ganing 6 armor 1-2-3-4 times? while you are milled to the ground.

They’re secretly planning to nerf your list of complaints as soon as a week goes by without you posting another nerf thread

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I will always advocate for whatever Leo/leo/Phen wants nerfed

So I think Dew processes should draw cards for the player who played the card, and burn twice as many for the opponent. Also, milling should heal the player who wasn’t milled. Clearly they are the better player.

The day they nerf Dew process i will put both of your names in a topic.