When will you give 70 packs for free again?

We are almost in Winter Veil. It would be nice another big gift from you giving all players 70 packs for free again.

That implies ALL players got that in the first place.

…or second place.

…or third place.

…and so on.

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I came back a few months ago after not playing since after launch and all I got was a stinkin’ loaner deck!

It was a good loaner deck though.

Keep dreaming that Blizzard will give you something for free!! On the 12th of this month, this petty company will give you 3 packages on the new track and you will only receive them if you mine the crystals when playing matches!! Without effort you don’t even receive the 3 “free” packages!!
Receiving 70 packages… what drug are you using??

It’s actually true: for those who just up and abandon the game. In fact, they quite literally gave two and a half mega bundles worth of cards to people who did just that. And not for the first time did people who quit got an insane amount of cards for quitting.

It’s not enough that they drive people away with terrible game design…they now actually reward people for quitting the game! For some reason, they want people to quit playing.

You are older than me… pointing the mouse cursor, I see your battlecode! When will you open cards in these 2 new packs?? I opened the 7 two weeks ago!! EACH PACK GENERATED ONLY 5 CARDS! A BIG GARBAGE FROM THIS COMPANY THAT GIVES NOTHING FOR FREE!!

I already bought 30 packs of the new collection with the game’s gold and no legendary cards came, but I opened these packs when I was opening the 7 packs of this new format and I opened 3 old legendary class cards that I don’t collect!! My guess is that the EVIL algorithm caused me to gain legendary cards from this new format, instead of acquiring legendary cards from the new set!!

Are you aware of the existence of MALICIOUS code in some collections?? It is said that from 20 packs you will acquire a legendary card. However, there are collections with an EVIL algorithm, this algorithm will give you a golden epic instead of a legendary card!! I’m thinking that the programmer improved this algorithm so that when you open update packs (that new pack that gives you between 5 and 50 cards!) together with another collection, you will only receive legendary cards in the update packs!!

Do you trust Blizzard??

Oh no, that’s the new scam: “catch up packs” if you aren’t a new player, DO NOT BUY! Because they will just give you five cards. ALWAYS!

I’m talking about the earlier ones where they were trying to entice people who were so fed up with actiblizz, team 5, and the game that they quit.

Because in typical “no common sense” fashion, the company decided to ignore business 101 where it takes 2-3 times the investment to get a new customer than it does to keep and existing one and decided to chase people they had already driven away.

Meanwhile, back to the op’s point…70 packs again?

Not for a long time. Anyone who still trusts them, after the dust debacles (WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN TEAM 5!) classic, mercstone, and the shuttering (even “temporary”) of twist, the newest scam mode (and that’s just hearthstone)…well, I have lakefront property in the Sahara to sell you.