When will the new Twist season start?

Twist mode has indicated that the new season for this will be open in less than a month for over a month now and nothing I have found indicates why it has not started really. Anyone have more information on when the new Twist season will begin?

Explore New Heroes in Twist!

posted on 5/29/24
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After the July season, Twist will be dark again for a while. We sometimes see players asking why there are seasons when Twist isn’t available. By design, Twist isn’t an “always on” Mode like most of the other Modes in Hearthstone; it’s more like an extended event. We want Twist to feel fun and fresh, rather something that quickly fades to background noise. We’ll do repeats or updates when we think they fit into that overall goal, but not as the default.

For instance, later in the year, we’ll be revisiting Wonders and the Caverns of Time set for two seasons. We’re hoping that bringing back Wonders and Caverns of Time will give players another chance to try out the cards from that set, or to enjoy them for the first time if they missed out on last year’s fun.

Once those two seasons have wrapped, Twist will be dark again through the end of the year. We’ll give you more updates on upcoming Twist seasons closer to when they go live. For now, we hope you enjoy Whizbang’s Heroes. The fun starts on June 1—we’ll see you there!

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So assuming nothing has change active October and November dead through end of the year(December)

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