When will hearthstone return to being fair

I am an average player of Hearthstone and do pretty well in ranked. I have good decks which win often. Recently EVERYONE that I play has ALL the cards to beat me Out of the blue when they are about to die. Other players (or bots) play wild combos that keep me from even playing my turn and wipe me while I watch. I now win maybe 1 out of 15 matches. It doesn’t matter which deck I play. Can blizzard please get rid of the cards that create unstoppable combos? I don’t mind being beat but I would like it to be a strategy game not one that the opponent waits for one card that makes it impossible for me to even compete. Also, the law of averages would figure that my enemy wouldn’t constantly and consistently 95% of the time pull the only card just in time to counter ANYTHING I do. Let’s bring the game back to some sense of honest competition without all these cheat cards that can’t be countered


If they are unstoppable, why don’t they have 100% win rate?

Spoiler: because they arnt unstoppable and you just got unlucky. Welcome to HS and any card game. Luck of the draw is big. Especially im HS when you can literally hold 1/3 of your deck in your hand. So it’s not uncommon to have an answer ready.

Maybe just maybe when few whales stop spending thousands monthly …

“whales” what a dumb comment bro. Are whales designing bad cards? are they stopping the devs from nerfing cards that anyone can get in 2 weeks of gameplay?

The bad games this guy is experiencing is because of bad designers and terrible quality assurance. If anything the people in charge of this game are deterring people from supporting it.

When has Hearthstone been fair ?
When you played a bunch of cards that were coin flips that could decide the whole tempo of the game turn 3 ?

fair was/is when board matters.

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Yes, indeed! Board does not matter anymore because everyone is doing 80 dmg from hand to 30 HP in one turn, except a few classes who have much more to dodge this and full of board clears. The game is not fixed but atleast a lot of unfair mechincs left the standard finally.

we dont want this to happen !