When paladin nerf?

305k version of paladins attacking every paladin card is playable


Knowing how these devs operate, we’ll be lucky if they get around to nerfing paladin maybe next expansion


I’m mildly divided on the subject. I love this for Paladin players. Paladin has a strong early base that can fit into most decks allowing for a ton of viable decks and that’s awesome. While I generally like this type of thing, that strong early base shouldn’t be so strong that it can snowball and easily win games on its own.

For example, I’ve had some fun with Warlock this expansion simply because they have a good amount of strong early game options, especially against aggressive decks. I can build off those early game cards into a bunch of other strategies. Those early game options though are almost never going to outright win the game for me so how I build the rest of the deck actually matters.

They will absolutely nerf Paladin after Worlds, so it’s just a matter of how many cards get hit. They got a minor nerf before which was surprisingly effective on the classes overall win rate, but then went and nerfed the 2 decks that were also having a strong effect on it.

Even though I haven’t touched the class myself this expansion, I’d like it to still be relevant. Just nerf a few of the cards that quickly snowball games out of control.

There will be anoter balance patch after worlds according to the patch notes from the last balance patch.

I am sure paladin wil be nerfed alot of people want paladin nerfed and the devs do listen to constructive community feedback in this case both deck strenght and community sentiment will be the reason for the nerf.

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I can see how this will play out, based on past feedback:

“Nerf pallies you say?”

“Based on the massive feedback to nerf pallies, we’ve decided to nerf hunters. It was the right place in the meta to nerf hunters, and we decided to buff pallies across the board because we thought they were too weak.”

“Naturally, we heard your feedback saying they needed to be nerfed and disregarded it, because at this point, if we started listening to player feedback (instead of just SAYING we listened to player feedback), you’d think we actually cared.”

“And for those who are going to defend us saying we actually care: come on guys, you still stuck with us after those whoppers we told about the bots? And we don’t even pay you for this stuff!”

The strongest classes in this game are Druid and Paladin! Normal! There’s nothing you can do except cry a lot and wish the CEO of Hearhstone would be kicked out, hiring the game designers from Magic: The Gathering.

I recently switched to Pally. I still struggle with odyn and other forms of armor stacking warriors.

Also full aggro decks are about 50/50 depending on luck.

It kinda do be like that when the whole ladder is anti paladin

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It’s bad. I switched to Paladin and it got me out of gold. In platinum though I’m getting wrecked! Like hard. 0W and 10L so far in platinum with my holy buff pally

They nerfed Order in the court, really had a big impact, as predicted by these dev geniuses

Watching world championship you could just ignore any game that involved a paladin deck. You knew the person playing paladin was going to win. You didn’t need to watch to see how a top player piloted paladin, because paladin is so easy to play that a bot could do the same thing and win. If the players weren’t forced to bring different decks, they’d have all just brought paladin. Paladin at this point just does everything well, can recover instantly from multiple board clears, can wipe opposing boards instantly, draws like crazy, has sticky minions that are hard to clear; it just has a toolkit that you have to get extremely lucky to beat. There’s no single card that you can nerf to bring this back in line, paladin is so strong a card base right now they can work around any single nerf, they proved that already. You’d have to nerf like five or six cards to see a real impact.

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Out of curiosity/ignorance, what about pally needs to be nerfed?

Patch is tomorrow. Keeper’s Strength and prismatic beam nerfed from paladin.

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Interested in how they will nerf Keeper’s.

(It is definitely weird they are nerfing the two most common board clear strategies in Paladin decks right now. Aggro + No reasonable board clear = Trash)