When is this hollow hound garbage being nerfed?

Sick of opponents going <10 hp to full health in 1 turn with 0 deck restriction like a reno requires plus wiping the board on top

You just play it (or often cheat it out) wipe the opponents board and heal back to full. Such a board swing should be reserved for legendary cards not cards you can get 2 of in a deck plus discovers copies of consistently

If it was used for control purposes only i would be fine with it. Ie. A taunt card that had the same effect on the defense. But this is being used in every aggro deck i face and ultimately means by the mid game they are able to stabilise and overwhelm you by removing any board you developed whilst playing a minion that sticks on board

You have 0 counterplay as the opponent due to it having rush other than dont play minions so they cant heal. This is denathrius levels of BS all over again. STOP PRINTING CARDS THAT PUNISH YOU FOR PLAYING BOARD

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Agree completely. Every thing you said is true. The card needs to be re-worked.

Now an aggro deck has everything from abusive draw, abusive cards generation, abusive weapon, abusive buff, abusive board cleanup, cards that can handle big creatures example class action lawyer (since when does aggro have anti-control cards?), abusive burst and it’s even abusive heal (thanks to blizzard for giving the last hollow hound miniset the dumb hunt face). Since when does an aggro deck win against control decks on a ccg? As if a mouse became a predator of cats (bulls.hit).

This game is a big fool’s trash.

aggro? is a 6 mana card really an aggro card ?

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While you have a point, Frost DK has been using 6 mana cards in an aggro deck to great effect.


i was focusing on hunter only and the deck hathor is complaining about runs like 10+ cards costing 6 mana or more

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