When is the Paladin Nerf coming?

Because this oppressive crap is beyond irritating.
It’s not like we’ve been shown that quick nerfs arent possible, with the semi-useless ones that came out the other day.
Honestly, it wouldnt be so bad if it wasn’t for free 0-Mana 5/5 Taunt minions being easy to drop at any moment, along with endless amounts of refill and divine shields making most board clears useless.
Come on Blizzard, how many times have we got to have this same poor design mistakes happen over and over?
Perhaps it’s time to get in a game designer who knows how to actually balance a game now?


Paladin is honestly fine, you just push them of the board and they are done.

DK on the other hand is a complete abomination, I really wish they just deleted the class from the game.


That would e great if it was even possible to push them off the board… see previous reasons why it’s not…

DK is borderline average right now. Lol

Pally is strong but it has no removal counter and it’s reload is dependent on how well it can draw. Countess also whiffs just as much as she hits. DK, Totem Shaman, Shadow Priest, DH, and mirror Pally all do well.

I personally never had problems against Paladins since this game started , any fast token deck can overwhelm them

Every time I draw a candle shot on turn 1 I can see a Pally player make a small pause, rethinking his life choices , it’s true, happens every time

The problem I find is that you have to tech against Blood DK so heavily, your deck starts to look like a joke, making you vulnerable to cheese

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HA HA HA! Oh… it wasn’t a joke? Then please excuse me. xD If it is a problem for you to remove Paladin from the board then use your head more… Paladin rarely gets nerf because it is one of the most balanced class in the game… it should rather get more buffs than nerfs because it is the only one who mostly missed out from everything natural new stuff. Developers try to force Paladin to use only class cards for some slight benefit compared to others who can use any cards without limit… So this must be a joke. :wink:

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Hahaha!! Good one. Oh wait… you were serious? Let me laugh harder then.

Your speaking straight facts!!! Paladin is the most balanced class EVER anyone that can’t beat them has a serious skill issue.

Yup - it’s just really consistent but it’s nowhere near impossible to beat. It’s like someone rolling a consistent 7/10 every turn.

Dont even try paladin is far worse than dk.

You have a serious case Narcissistic Personality disorder.

Im not even gonna try. You lost all credibility the moment you said “Tech against Blood dk”.

Probably never. Just accept that it is the way it is and it will always be that way. Complaining about it only gets you made fun of by internet people with nothing better to do.

Let’s hope they will nerf aggro Paladin soon, because its out of control now that is true… I am a real player who refused to play aggro so I can understand ppl complaing about it… Also have problems with Shadow Priest and Druid ofc… no to mention DK… like always. :slight_smile: But I try my best to defeat them always and sometimes, I can.

Noob paladin player spotted ^^ XD

Translation: you’re a Blood DK bandwagoner.

No, I am not DK… I am a real Paladin… :smiley: Just because I am not playing aggro… it not means I am DK… There is other kind of Paladin beside aggro you know…

Haha, yeah. Classic has control paladin, and standard has “dancing” paladin, though I prefer to call it Big Paladin. It’s honestly a pretty under rated deck.

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Yes, it is. :slight_smile: 20 chars

ARE YOU SERIOUS? They are #1 on the charts with all 3 dekc types having near 67 to 69% win rate.

nothing about what will nerfed was announced but we know a balance patch is comming next week

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Lol! Maybe at Bronze and Silver rank where most of them are played, perhaps.
But when you get around to playing at high ranks, you’d find a very different story.