When does Zilliax rotate out

The game is about as enjoyable as getting a full frontal lobotomy. The sooner this toxic piece of trash leaves standard the better.


Until they’ll decide to take it out early it is with us up until 2026.

I’m vaguely curious about the word choice there, as it implies the existence of multiple lobotomy “styles.” What else is out there? “Side view” lobotomies? “Partner swapping” lobotomies? “Loboto-tease” where the procedure is only implied to be happening?

On the actual topic, I agree Unkilliax is frustrating, but so is everything in every meta when you lose to it. In vanilla we had turn 1 yetis, then we had harvest golems and Sneedception shredders. Quests were a big thing, and so were Jade Druids and Exodia Mages. Hell, remember OG Reno? All he did was heal you to full. That’s it.

In today’s meta we have Unkilliax and 9 billion damage battle cry elementals and “MAKE ROOM FOR MORE BOOOM” and Rogues play 45 cards per turn (“rope” lol) and DK’s deal the same net damage in one turn as elementals, however it’s individually and painstakingly drawn out (“ka-BOOM … ka-BOOM… ka-BOOM”) and Druids go “splash splash splash… splash splash splash… splash splash splash…” and of course we can’t forget, “guess whooo-OOOOOOOOOOOOO (murgle)”

Literally everything is annoying. When you lose to it.

Show of hands, and be honest now - how many of us AREN’T playing any of the above? I know my hand’s staying down. I’ve played damn near all of that at one point.

Well, on the plus side, there’s a rumor that once ten trillion of a particular minion are summoned, it just disappears from existence. Since I’ve personally faced about 2.2 billion Zilliaxes in the past week (not counting the reborns!), I would think we should reach the critical mass of disappearance in, what… a handful of hours? Unfortunately, I’m so tired of facing the same minion over and over and over and over and over that I’m spending time here in the forums rather than playing the game - because typing gibberish is more fun than 18 Zilliaxes per minute…

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Good god it’s around until 2026. I have stopped playing standard because of that trash card and moved to arena. I honestly don’t know how anyone could consider standard being in a good state when this type of card is around.

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It’s incredible how 1 single card is able to invalidate what you have done up to a certain point in the game, whether it’s a huge board, or face damage, Zilliax deluxe makes you feel like everything you did was in vain. Then hydration station happened… why?


During the brief time period where splish splash was banned, you could still get it into your hand via anything that let you discover a minion. It happened to me a few times. And some of those were druid specific discover cards, like the one that says “get 2 dragons, give them +1/+1” or the one that says “get 2 random dragons costing less than 5”

Maybe that was just a freak random omission on the coding involved specifically with splish splash, but it doesn’t exactly inspire confidence. I’d wager there are similar bugs or errors in the code involved with what is supposed to prevent non-standard cards from being discovered.

You can play “ad lib” with this and sub “Zilliax deluxe” with literally any “meta” deck on hsreplay right now. It’s not a problem inherent to Zilliax.

“Lamp elemental makes you feel like everything you did was in vain.”

“Reno makes you feel”

“Ka-BOOM… ka-BOOM… ka-BOOM makes you”

“Accidents, they happen”

“9 million rogue 1-costs”

Again, it’s not about “that one card.” It’s about “LOSING is annoying” combined with “I want to feel like I had a chance.”

If you have a massive board, or did 29 damage to face, or whatever the case may be, and STILL lost… it feels bad, no matter WHAT caused you to lose.

We can ban Unkilliax, and I wouldn’t lose any sleep. However I would expect hsreplay to shift their meta decks accordingly, and around and around we go again.

You can’t “balance” like this. There’s an infinite amount of nails to hammer down.

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