When does the expansion come out?


july 23, can you not read?


I guess I’m expecting too much for you to realize, based on the little context I gave, that I implied the time. Forgot not everyone has a brain.


1pm EST is the norm I think


6pm GTM+0 is the only timeline that matters, regardless you should be at work anyway so no Hearthstone for you lol.

Heres hoping its one of those super hot days with you stuck in the office.


You’re evil and are correct, I work today. As always suck my frog ba…feet.


I believe that people with brains can wait a few hours without getting impatient…

So nice !

Nice too !

Nice communauty ! :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Maybe when you are here more than 5s you will realize the banter i have with the frog is all done in good spirit…

I know that green madman for years now and while he is a pain in my behind he is an old constant familiar in this forums.
You on the other hand so quick to pass judgment on the whole “community” i have no idea who you are…


Well, sometimes it’s better to think before passing judgement. But I guess it’s the internet so being a judgemental a-hole for no reason is the name of the game.

But it was easy to deduce form the context of your exchange that it was just a friendly ribbing.

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Intellect has nothing to do with patience.

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never get between a hunter and his frog…

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I believe the expansion releases on July 23

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Its out by now anyway :wink:

Put my sentence in response with context !!!

So don’t do it.

And ?

I confirm !!!