When concede let the winner play solo

When the loser concedes let them instantly quit but don’t interrupt the player who is taking their turn. Do not propagate the concede animation to the victor until the start of the losers turn if the loser conceded on the winner’s turn.


the loser who conceded ends the game instantly on their screen. They are done. I’m just asking to let the winner finish their turn in solo play against an empty seat until the end of their turn. This in no way prevents the loser from exiting early. It’s simply to give the victor a sense of accomplishment to see their last move executed as planned.

If the winner fails to kill after the loser has conceded then the concede animation would trigger on the start of the loser’s turn.

Everyone is happy.

Please consider adding this to a future update.

This would make easier to get achivements, not sure i like that

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What do you mean ? Its no different than if the other player sat there and let you finish your turn except they can leave and you can still finish your turn before it informs you that they conceded instead of it interrupting your turn instantly when they concede.

Some people don’t like it when they struggle to get something but others have an easier time. He thinks that others should have it as hard as he did. I could understand wishing it was easier when you did it, but otherwise such an attitude is counter-productive in the long run.

Its kinda how I felt when I learned some of the bosses in FF12 were nerfed in the rerelease but I kinda just shrugged and thought they were kinda dumb anyways. (Anyone interested can look up FF12 version of Yiazmat.)

Not following you. How is this harder or easier ? I’m just talking about not interrupting the player’s turn.

If I understand your change correctly
player 2 leave
player 1 still can play (assuming was his/her turn)
So with this in mind I give you this example with the current way of concede and your change
Player 2: currently 2 hp.
Player 1: play freebird.
Player 2: concede fast enough so the player 1 dont get to attack.
Current method:
Freebird dont hit, dont kill, no achivement of killing your opponent
Your method:
Freebird hit, kill, achivement completed.

Now this is a 2 hp example but, I have done 27dmg to face with freebirds +rogue combo
Now the player can leave mid combo and i have to try again to complete
If they change it i can complete the achivement in 1 try, making it easier and less fulfilling

Hey dows it matter to player 2 if player 1 gets their achievement ? It’s not a choice the player who is not having their active turn should get to make for the player who’s active turn is in effect. No other mechanic in the game lets the waiting player interrupt the active player except for concede. They should not be able to interrupt them. Especially if it means they can deny them an achievement. That’s not their right to interrupt the active player. They can leave the table but the active player should still be allowed to play out their turn and if that means they earn an achievement then so be it. That’s their reward for winning.

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It was an explanation of an attitude people can have, not a literal change that directly affects the person against the change. They will go “If I had it hard doing this achievement, so should others.” It is a stupid attitude to keep more than a moment when a change isn’t about individuals but a collective.

But it may please you to know and I didn’t think to bring this up earlier, but a lot of achievements are precalculated before you can even play your hand. I have gotten some before even making the play. Not all seem to be like that but it is better than nothing.


Good to know. Hopefully that makes it easier.

Just to be clear, i dont think others should have a hard time, but when things are too easy to complete they are boring and less fulfilling as i said before, so i like the challenge of completing something, thats my opinion.
If you like easy things is not a problem

Player 2 dont care
But in my opinion as player 1, i dont like easy achivements, i like when they are hard to grind. Make the achivement more fulfilling as i said

Also i think this after i comment but, what happen when you bluff?
For example, during player 1 turn
Player 2: enough board dmg
Player 1: play Sif
Player 1: emote, move cards, delay his turn (bm)
Player 2: Leave
Player 1: dont have enough dmg to kill
Player 1: cast fireball on his own face (could be any spell), killing himself
Player 1 get a Loss or win?

I don’t understand why bluffing would be a concern, but I think that he is just concerned about situations where he could have done what was needed if the opponent stayed. Like you are playing your final hand and the opponent quits before you finish. He isn’t asking to be able to finish the match against what might as well be an afk player. Finding someone who will let you do that and get your achievement via random queue is more luck than difficulty.

Personally I think a mix of difficult achievements and easy ones are good (or whatever type of challenge a game has). I wouldn’t consider grinds difficult so much as I would tedious. A difficult achievement might require either skill and/or planning. I guess you could consider some grinds difficult in the sense of patience…I have seen some truly insane ones. Funny though how people react if a game doesn’t require grinds of any kind. A bit of a tangent.

His suggestion isn’t about achievements, it is about stroking your ego.

Similar to battlegrounds. If there is 3-4 players left in a game and it is clear that one player is a highroll that can’t be caught/scammed, then the player who would survive the immediate round only to lose the final one instead quits early.