When can we play again?

Hello dev,

Could you please send me a mail when it’s possible to play Hearthstone normaly again ?

I don’t want to play mage or warlock and controles are dead.



No they’re not. Quest Warlock and Mage are control decks.

Haven’t played since early july thinking to wait it out until things get better. Looking at the forums periodically, it’s arguably diving even deeper into the Suck spectrum. I’d appreciate an email too.

You guys playing Wild? I have decided to give Standard a go… Even Classic…the state of Wild is unacceptable for me, a dedicated Wild format player, to the point of getting really good at BGs, I find some D6 Warlocks and Hunters in Standard but you run into the occasional Paladin or Guff Druid, but diversity is dead at the moment.

I’d suggest you wait until the next patch coming next week IIRC, and maybe you’d be able to pick up where you left.