Wheel of death rob us text say 5 turns but reality is 4 turn

hi just wanna say here that the wheel of death is just bugged it says 5 turns but in reality this is only 4 turns till the cast not the end of the turns so the game ROB us one turn !

please correct .

clarify the rules please !


This is something i agree with especially for anyone that has never played against the deck. It should read 5 end of the players turns that played the card. In reality the timer shouldn’t start till after their next turn ends because it’s honestly a 4 turn win condition.


Its not incorrect, the warlock plays the card and now 5 turns are active.

By hitting end of turn, that 1st turn is over, progressing the wheel.


exactly Dallaen this need clarification .

Warlokc plays the wheel.
You are destroyed in 5 turns
You have 4 turns to win
Your 5th turn begins, it’s now “in 5 turns”, you are destroyed
What isn’t clear ?

its 4 turns till the cast not 5 turns go in game and verify it

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it’s 5 ends of turn of the caster

Warlokc plays wheel - count is 0
Warlock ends turn - count is 1
Opponent plays their turn - they played 1 turn
Warlock ends turn - count is 2
Opponent plays their turn - they played 2 turns
Warlock ends turn - count is 3
Opponent plays their turn - they played 3 turns
Warlock ends turn - count is 4
Opponent plays their turn - they played 4 turns
Warlock ends turn - count is 5
Opponent gets destroyed

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yes this part is why this should not be the case

Warlokc plays wheel - count is 0

Warlock ends turn - count is 1 this should count 0 and count on end player turn turn> 1

the wheel says 5 turns it don’t say that the turn it is cast count 1

so it should value 1 turn in end opponent player turn .


it depends on weither you regard a turn as:

  1. ending your turn passing the initiative to opponent
  2. opponent end his turn and passes initiative to you

in my opinion. It is worded correctly, but the reality is 4 turns only.

Flush the card to hell and we wouldnt have this discussion over another stupid Team 5 design.

EDIT: They should have named the card “Team 5 Wheel of Death”

In fact I totally give you the point.
In doubt I always check other cards with similar wordings for established mechanics of the past.
Other cards that state “in X turns, do Y” never count the turn they’re played.
So wheel of death is indeed inconsistent.

The only cards that do count the current turn are cards like objectives and aura, or dormant minions, that all have a different wording (dormant for X turns, lasts X turns…)

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The part you’re not mentioning is that at the end of the turn in which the Warlock casts Wheel, there is an animation of a dial going from 1 to 2. That makes things blatantly clear to anyone who is paying attention.

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An animation that is not consistent with the card text doesn’t help the card to be clearer

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The animation is consistent with the card’s effect, and that does help. And if they reword the card then they’d have to redo the animations so that the first animation goes from 0 to 1.

Yes, but not with the card text.
If I print a card that reads “Deal 6 damage to the ennemy hero” and you play it. It then has a big animation on screen shouting “I’m gonna deal 3 damage to the ennemy hero now !” and it does indeed deal 3 damage to the ennemy hero, the animation is consistent with the outcome. But that’s not what the text of the card was reading.

As per consistency with other cards of the game with the text “In X turns, do Y”, the destruction of the ennemy hero should happen at the start of you 6th turn (turn the card has been played + 5 turns). Not at the end of your fith turn, skipping a turn for your opponent.

Them messing up an animation is no excuse to not acknowledge an inconsistency

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Here’s the point: your opponent plays Wheel, it says you have until 5, and then at the end of that turn the dial goes from 1 to 2. If you see all of that and you think to yourself “I have five more turns” then that is ON YOU.

Turn 8; play Wheel (4)
Turn 9 (3)
Turn 10 (2)
Turn 11 (1)
Turn 12 (gg)

while it should be:
Turn 8 (5)
Turn 9 (4)
Turn 10 (3)
Turn 11 (2)
Turn 12 (1)
Turn 13 (gg)

Only then is it 5 turns because 13 - 8 = 5 completed turns.

It says you’re getting destroyed in 5 turns after your opponent played the card
If in the same turn (1) I manage to put forest seedlings in my hand, play Anachronos, and play wheel of death, if wording were consistent the outcomes would be :
On turn 3, the seedlings have blossomed and the board is back
On turn 6, the ennemy hero is destroyed

Instead you have
On turn 3, the seedlings have blossomed and the board is back
On turn 5, the ennemy hero is destroyed

2 cards have respected their text, the third one has not

What matters is what is written on the card. You should not have to rely on an animation that is not consistent with the card text to know what the card is doing.

And that doesn’t happen.
You play the card at the “start” of turn 8 and kill the opponent at the end of turn 12. 5 turns haven’t been completed.

Yes I know that’s what I’m explaining…

mb then friendo