What's the deal with the weekies?

What’s going on guys? Why have the weekly requirements doubled or tripled? They were already a chore to complete a lot of them time, why make them worse? For something like the Hero Power one, it’s not that annoying, but that one already incentivized me to mindlessly spam HP on DH in a few Casual games, so I don’t see what positive outcome you expect.
The ranked wins one is now totally unacceptable. Many weeks during the most cancerous of metas, I could barely drag myself to 5 wins. 15 is just unreasonable even when I am enjoying the game, in a grbage meta I might as well just not try at all. Is that what you want? I just do not understand why you are punishing your F2P and budget fans with these unannounced, random, misguided changes.


Why open a 179th thread about it? Is it so hard to take a look around and notice the others?

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so we get more attention from them, you absolute shill. go whale for them mindlessly…


We took you weekly quests, then we doubled it – jay wilson