What's going on in casual?

Not sure what I’m missing but something is weird. My casual mmr is VERY low since I’ve thrown tons of games in it just to rapidly complete quests and then concede. In past days I’ve been playing it for ‘fun’ to get my mmr back up and here is where the weird starts…

Basically every opponent (like 30+ games in a row) uses the same hodgepodge deck which is a random mix of murlocs, pirates, weapon cards, mechs and other common cards regardless of their class. And they basically all play the same way too - all hit face, ignore board entirely, and make a million mistakes on every single turn. Most of them have “names” which are impossible to pronounce too…

I feel like I’m playing against endless bots or something. Is that possible?

Just curious cause it’s been way too many coincidences to chalk it up to new players.

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Bots. All bots. You see them in ranked, no matter what level you’re at. At Plat6 I see them often enough. Only ones I lose to are plagues because, as will all bot decks, they always have the cards needed, on a perfect mana curve. Sure, they may make “mistakes” but I believe those are programmed in.

You see Stormwind Champion, “Handle it” orc and assorted pirates, murlocks. Especially the 3/1 rush murloc. Always in hand when needed, that card.


I’m guessing you’re joking about the first part? Or is the ladder full of them too? :open_mouth: I just reached legend again yesterday (haven’t played in several years until this rotation) and I don’t think I’ve played against any (obvious) bots during the climb. Admittedly I probably don’t know how to tell them apart… but decklists and playstyles looked normal to me and no one made repeated bot-like mistakes.

As for the 2nd paragraph, yup that describes perfectly what I’ve been seeing infinitely and why I made this thread. I’m shocked the game is so infested with bots on the low end. Wasn’t like that before. Nothing in the game is tradeable and no one is going to buy botted accounts so what are they even farming for…

Thanks for confirming.

I believe the reason for farming is farm for gold. Buy an arena ticket. If you get a crazy good draft sell the account to a streamer. It is possible that blizzard is not as fast to ban bots on casual.

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Bots. They’re in lower ranks on Wild too. Bot after bot.

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gotta pay attention to certain things. like the same card, in their hand, being “moused” over again and again, with the same timing when they have no mana and then ending their turn.

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Does casual even have MMR? It gives no rewards anyway. I wonder why do people even care other than testing something briefly; I go Wild for example if I mainly play Standard (for example)[if I need to do quests etc]; I guess mainly people who pay a lot and never need the XP do it?

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Think i had maybe 1 match so far in casual against an actual player trying to test a new deck i casual. Playing against an obviously terrible deck is no way to test a build, so when I’m feeling lazy I just farm bots in casual for easy xp :rofl:

Casual definitely has MMR or at least used to last I played. Can’t confirm right now. Was a fine mode for testing stuff and just goofing around if were around the right mmr for it. Less stress when don’t have to worry about rank and can just pick and choose which games you want to play. Also used to see more experimental, fun homebrew decks there which you’d never see on ladder (and could play them yourself too).

If you won enough you’d face nonstop legend cardback agro metadecks tryharding in casual for some reason. That always made me roll my eyes and auto concede most of the time out of boredom.

And if you lost or threw enough you’d be playing against all sorts of stormwind champion and sen’jin (the basic decks back then).

The sweet funspot was somewhere in between :smiley: . If bots existed back then they were certainly a lot less of them.