What ya got saved up for the upcoming expansion?

In all fairness Control Paladin and Silver Hand Paladin are both viable decks.

And yet here you are, complaining almost every day.

Nobody is holding you hostage.

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And here you are as well, strangely powerless to ignore the opinions you dislike.

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I mostly played control paladin and pure dude paladin this month, got legend today with pure dudes. I have no idea why no one plays it, it has insane tempo to contest any aggro deck and if you fail to blow up control “in time”, you still have chances endgame with cariel and legendary invitations from countess.

Just try it.


Guess I will.

Just not very interesting to me compared to some of the other paladin decks that have existed.

Bundle+2 packs.

13k gold
12k dust,

but typically I might only use 4k gold and 4k dust. Generally if 95% of the cards are going to dust I keep going til I get 1 more legendary then stop.

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I have played 2 games with it this month, the first one I got out-tempoed by an Aggro Druid, the second one out-controlled by a Mage. I personally like playing dudes though it felt awful to lose with.

Tis very true! I can catch my friend Mal playing Casual Wild on almost any day. He plays very well, as I do spectate him on occasion. He’s inspired me to play casual as well. The games are just as fun!

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Join the club!
One thing I got good as as a result of my shi t t y financial situation, is I got good at managing my HS resources!

I generally enter a new expansion with around 4.5-5k gold. I usually have some standard packs, too.

However, I don’t have a lot of faith given this year of HS. Runestones, BGs/Quests, cards like Sire and Brann existing in Standard to name a few things have really brought down my enjoyment in this game. I believe I’d be taking a break this time around until rotation if it wasn’t for the DK class.

My worry is the first week will be DK meta, then the following week it will be back to a Sire meta with new cards and a new class. Unless they adjust how the card works, it’s going to be a long, boring four months until rotation.

most of the high tier decks dont depend on sire to win at all i dont even know if they run it (naga priest, imp warlock ,beast hunter , aggro druid enrage warrior )
i doubt those decks would even feel the change if sire was nerfed

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I guess I’m focusing on DK’s interaction. After watching the DK tournament a while ago, it really seemed the matches were decided by who had/stole Sire.

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Maybe that damn card needs to be Hall of Famed. No one seems to be happy about it.


It just feels bad all of the time. I think that’s a reason a lot of folks don’t like it. Despite it not being in the current top decks, it’s in standard for a long time still. You never know when someone is running it. Even I see it randomly in duels where it’s not nearly as problematic but still infuriating.


There are plenty of ways to nerf it, no need to HoF. Infuse (2), limit infusing, remove lifesteal…


I find opening packs pretty tedious, I wish there was an open all packs button. Then just look in the library!


Part of me would like to see it simply destroyed.

I like the idea of a 10-drop that can turn the tide of the games if you play and trade minions, because well, decks need win conditions. The problem is that the current iteration is too busted, it’s Reno + Cthun easily infuseable that can be doubled and recasted and rewards reactive gameplay if the deck’s removal is made of rushing minions. You’ll see, when Brann, Guff, Scales of Onyxia, Parrot etc the card will be a lot less problematic.


I always think of it as Reno/Mordresh

Uh… I made the decision to purchase the smaller bundle for $50. It read that I’d receive two random legendary minions from the new set. I don’t see them anywhere. Help.