What would you do with 16,000 dust?
I’d start over. Ditch the ever-frustrating Wild format and focus on Standard format for the upcoming release of “The Great Dark Beyond,” which drops some time tomorrow morning for Arizona players.
I’d split the dust into four classes. My reasoning follows a daily quest that randomly chooses three classes out of the current eleven. If you have decks for at least four classes, you’re likely to follow the availability to finish this “Play three games as (class here)” quest.
(3 / 11 = .2727272727) (27 x 4 = 108%)
With a 3rd new class applied, it’s similar to the same:
(3 / 12 = .25) (25 x 4 = 100%)
In other words, four ready-to-play classes should cover this recurring daily quest.
But what do I do with the dust?
The only prediction I have pertains to two classes: Hunter and Shaman. Shaman currently has a synergy with Hunter because of the “Perils In Paradise” release of a ‘Tourist’ attraction to Shaman’s allowed use of Hunter cards for the Perils in Paradise set.
Just as well, Hunter and Shaman have sweet new legendaries for the new release of The Great Dark Beyond tomorrow.
I would like to afford Demon Hunter for Wild. I would also like to afford Warlock, at least for standard. So, there may be a reason for me to ditch Demon Hunter and contemplate what fourth class I would choose for standard, especially with so little dust.
But what’s the rush? Accumulate free gold and packs and see how everything pans out to be battle-ready for the December season. Also, nerfs tend to redirect traffic.