What would bring HS to the next level?

I think custom game modes would be great.

How would they make money then? I would both like a one-time payment like with other your usual PC game and/or a subscription system like in WoW. What did you thought of?

I would also like that but it’s not that easy. Maybe a lot of people would feel too “overwhelmed” etc. Very hard to strike a good balance there. But for the record, yes, I would prefer that as well. But I also think the current approach is not too bad either.

What is that gonna do? Some people just like BG more than the normal HS. What’s the big deal? Maybe rather some design changes or more modes to get people back to normal HS? If anything separating probably means even less people playing normal HS since some only play for BG but might from time to time also play normal HS which they wouldn’t if it would be completely separated. Except you rather want more like “tryhards” playing because most of the people playing mostly BG are probably rather casual players. I think keeping it together is much better. As they said in one video: “Hearthstone can be a home for many different ways to play the game.” or so. And I totally agree on that.

Emm… let me just paste that here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect

From what I know they are called that way because they were/are “protesting”. In the context used you can easily understand what was meant as long as you’re not nitpicking it.

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A dev team that can balance the game and thus don’t need to rely on desperate “wow!” turns? I appreciate I’m asking too much here.

Yes, but pay to buy rest of the cards in HS or buy an expansion will not exist unless it cost hundreds and thousands of dollars.
Adding a subscription mode with custom features can really feed those hungry players and they won’t annoy us here again.

I would gladly buy it and would even be willing to pay a little extra if you didn’t need to spend like an hour opening packs, disenchanting and crafting cards.

The only thing it would throw off is like “marketing” in a way. If people see like 250€ for one expansion they might be like “WTF? No way I’m buying even a little bit into that money grab!” etc. That’s why I fear it’s indeed not a very realistic thing to ever happen unfortunately. But yeah, I would really love to see something like that.

Take away the linear automatic game play.

Played one last Tavern Brawl and got the Libram Paladin Again.

Turn 1 Aldor Attendant. This is where I now say “Oh for fudge sakes!”
Turn 2 Air Raid
Turn 3 Air Raid
Turn 4 Lightforge Zealot Free Truesilver Champion
Turn 5 Aldor Truth Seeker
Turn 6 Buff Truth Seeker to the Hills Plus Murgurgle
Turn 7 Lightforge Crusader

What would bring Hearthstone to the next level? An AI card dealing design where SOME kind of skill and game plan would be required vs just


The game is SO Predictable. Its just matter if you have the 50% win rate counter matchup deck to what y our playing against.

Zero brain energy required to play Hearthstone.

Less than other games, but a person without brain energy can’t live, think, remember or tap on screen. And players need to know what to do and plan in the late game, because not all draw orders are the same :expressionless:

this would kill the company

2 cards for every class will force everyone to play only classes that received strong cards, and everyone would have the same deck due to lack of cards

it is doing the opposite, but i hope they will eventually separate the two game modes, with different in-game currency

maybe they can do this with a contest, where people post their ideas and the best designed cards MAY become real cards.
Otherwise, it would be a waste of time for them and only the meme/super OP cards would win