What the un-natural F!

Can a regular person even win now? As someone who didn’t mortgage their home to play this game, I went from winning about half my games in the gold tier to auto-death at the very bottom of gold tier. I dont even make it past about turn 5 now. I’m nearly auto killed on the draw! They need to let people drop below gold tier to find the new average. This is incredibly unfun. My loss rate is basically about 95% since latest patch.


I can atest to this as well in arenas, BGS, and ranked something about this patch has greatly effected casual players as myself and several others i’ve spoken to. It’s like the MMR system got busted up or something I am not sure.

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I think the game has just become absolutely unbalanced now with the new neutral Titan which shouldn’t be even created… Aggro and control were already broken + OTK… and now with this Yogg crap… the chaos is horrible… Thats all… the developers managed to kill the game finally because added too many unfair mechanics into it. Sadly they don’t even hurry to fix it… atleast they could ban Yogg like they did to Jailer… but no… they let us suffer for a while… They just created another card which was absolutely unnecessary for the game and didn’t even test it… Because if they did… then they could realize that such card is nonense while there are so many mana cheat in the game… just another fail of the developer team… :\ Boring…


yea, the “God Cards” as I call them, are pretty ridiculous. Sadly, certain cards hit the board I just concede immediately. Better to just move on to game with a chance of victory than a prolonged certain defeat.


I already figured out a way to dodge Yoggi’s power… but for 0 mana it was horrible… Today they will nerf it finally and hope it will be much better after that. It won’t be able to use under 9 mana anymore… Atleast until the new expansion… :\

I love how they literally ban jailer for weeks because “MUH SO BROKEN!” but won’t nerf yogg when he’s way more broken.

They could hire children to make dev calls better than this.


This made me giggle. Thank you.

Didn’t they nerf a bunch of cards?

Switch to wild, you will have so much fun since the cheapest decks are mostlikly those to climb with.

Been f2p on 3 accounts for a year now and have been legend every month.

Playing exclusivly one class per account and have now after a year i have 3-4 different decks per class.

For example if you go for mage, start of with Secret Mage and build a collection for other wild archetypes, you go rogue start with pirate rogue or kingsbane etc…

Once you go wild youll never go back :grin:

they just nerfed yogg though.

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Not really a nerf though.

when they admit they could have increased the cost, and didn’t and in fact gave the card MORE abilities, that’s not really a nerf…that’s a boost. In fact, they even say they want it seen in MORE decks and seeing MORE play.

That’s like taking the feedback people were giving about sire, and instead of the nerf they gave if, left it as it was and gave it “well, let’s let it infuse while in deck!”

at least rogues and stuff have to actually pay mana to play it now.

All I can suggest is that you dust ALL cards but the two (three tops) classes that you want to play. Forge legendaries with that dust.

Such free to play madness, it’s almost like the game is free :))

I agree.

What the un-natural F!