What should i do?

I lost probably 8-10 times in a row. Trying again, does not work. What should i do?

Either spend more $$$ to get the algorithm on your side or quit playing all together. That’s the options. Sorry.

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I dislike those mechanical word appliances a great deal. Parrots most of the time.

And then Blizzard goes removing bots… The irony.

Bolt brain can’t read a custom deck.

EDIT: Oh and i just won a game. I’m good for another 12 loss streak. Fun?
EDIT: See, this is important. Diablo 4 is on sale on Steam. I refuse to give money to Blizzard to be treated like this afterwards. There’s that other one, Lost Epoch? I think it has ray tracing too.

I can’t reach D5 either… Activison can’t realize that 40 card decks needs to go… for a long time now… We won’t reach out usual rank probably because of this… again… getting tired of this crap… The best choice is to let it go… and don’t spend a single cent for this game…

Get some coaching, maybe

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Renethal rotates out in less than two months

Unless you’re a Wild player, of course

Yes, I know… but it is too late… They should do something about control decks NOW! Because it is insane how strong they became… it is a joke really… I have 7500 Paladin wins… and never played a full meta deck… but now… It seems I have to give up… won’t get D5 this month because of the stupid unfair mechanics which are in the game now and everyone can feel it… that is not good at all… the biggest problem is the Discovery… the endless card generating… and the amount of board clears… it is a joke… also the stupid minion encounter tools… can’t wait to see them removed… Reno, Yogy, Reska and also Rainbow DK spell… that is just too much… I chosed Paladin to master and not because it was “the best”… just because I like it’s holy warrior concept… (I was a Paladin tank in WoW too for 8 years) but the developers went too far now…

Best reply right here.
Or quit playing for 5 days, and it will let you win quite a few games to keep you hooked before it starts making you lose to convince you to buy cards.

I will agree some mechanics have gotten out of hand. Especially Discovery.

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That’s not how any of this works.

The game makes you win to keep you playing? Then why did it make him lose 12 times in a row? How does that get you to keep playing?

Please stop with this whole “pay money for better rng” crap. Show proof before you advise people to pay money on HS

Makes no sense how you are encouraging people to spend money on this game but at the same time talking down about the game.

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Madam if you lose 12 time in a row to a roge pirate or totem shamen of a reno jabberwocky shamen or an infinite waygate mage, well the psychology is…
If I buy those cards, I can win forever.
Obviously, you never learned about how the human brain works.

I actually got this losing row. I was blaming the CIA, hacking my video games. Or some Blizzard subtle message i should get some exercise.

I have no idea why this happened. It seems to be going back to normal now. I think. I still lose a lot, but it’s not like an overwhelming and crushing victory for the opponent. Well, at least not all the time.

I changed deck. Do you think the Blizzard bot wanted me back to the previous deck because it didn’t win as much?

Or… I’m saving all my gold and i have 9 standard packs, just… there. The idea is wait, 2 month for the set rotation. Mainly because it’s close, i don’t have any standard cards anymore, and doing this i’ll compress my card pool into this whole year… Instead of losing half my standard cards for not waiting until they rotates out.

“If I buy those cards I can win forever”

Maybe your brain is that primitive that you think that way. If so, yeah, blizzard is totally scamming you people.

But funny how you only reference the human brain and not the actual game. The point was to spend money to get the algorithm on your side. Which does not work at all. No matter how much your spend, your skill will stay the same.

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They must’ve over-tweaked the whatsitfloozy. CLEARLY a huge mistake on their part. Probably lost a player now. -shakes head-


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To be completely fair, actually getting new cards would help me win. I’ll post a decklist for what i slapped together… I know it’s bad.

Dun dun dun…

Class: Rogue

Format: Standard

Year of the Wolf

2x (1) Gear Shift
2x (2) Cheat Death
2x (2) Double Cross
2x (2) One Hit Wonder
2x (2) Plagiarize
1x (2) Shadowjeweler Hanar
2x (2) Sticky Situation
2x (3) Cyclopian Crusher
2x (3) Plagiarizarrr
2x (3) Silvermoon Sentinel
2x (4) Assassinate
2x (4) Silvermoon Armorer
2x (5) Gangplank Diver
2x (5) Sinrunner
1x (7) Nozdormu the Eternal
1x (8) Kologarn
1x (9) Alexstrasza the Life-Binder


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

EDIT: Nozdormu the Eternal is because it’s a quest today. A couple of people had it.
EDIT: A couple of strategy games involve losing a party a unit the game… Thinking Darkest Dungeon 2 here. (Twitch) The difference is Hearthstone is still fun, to an extent, even if you lose a lot.

I would try a different deck maybe, due to the randomness of card games you would expect to win at least one game after 8-10 of them even if playing at the lowest level

There’s your answer, I’m afraid.

Firstly, this close to the new year it is a good idea to save gold for the new expansion. I would recommend you do that.

Second, I’m going to assume you’re a new player, in which case you are eligible for a free deck. Have you chosen a free deck yet? If so, which one did you take?

If you haven’t chosen a deck yet, you will be able to try out 6 “loaner” decks for a week before you choose which one to keep.

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Play Solo Adventures!

Might have to buy packs like a ton of them. Find a class you resonate with find a top decks and compare them come up with cards you want to play, and splash the cash

I feel like the nemesis of this rabble, I play Wild, I’ve never spent a cent, I don’t disenchant anything (not literally) and get to legend every season I play.
Am I the only one who enjoy this game as it is? :man_shrugging:t2::man_shrugging:t2:

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