What’s your favorite underrated card?

Yeah, I second The Darkness. Probably not my absolute fave, that would go to Shadowcaster, but right up there. One day I will succeed:



That pic makes me think of our Blackhowl Gunspire showdown!

Scorp-o-matic for sure.

This little beauty is actually some bloodthirsty beast. Works wonders against minions in slower decks (Doomsayer, Acolyte of Pain, Northshire Cleric, Stonehill Defender, Voidwalker…), can help you kill various eggs and the minions summoned if you wanna avoid some activators in next turn. Paired with Aldor Peacekeeper you basically have 5 mana 2 cards remove anything + spawn 1/2 mech + 3/3 body. Works great as activator for magnetic mechs.

Atm I am trying some even dragon paladin and mech paladin and I am amazed by the value of this card.


Is Bittertide Hydra underrated? Has a pretty big downside (each time damaged, hurts your hero for 3), but when paired with lots of armor, like in certain warrior decks, or played early enough that they have no tiny minions to run into it, you can turn the entire game around. I hardly see people play it in casual, but it’s really spiced up my Odd Mage and Odd Warrior decks.


Nothing gets me on like eating an on-curve Tar Creeper whole with a Militia Commander.

Yum yum.


This is a difficult one; my answer is not necessarily my best one, but off the top of my head given my recent games and memory, I would go with Shadowcaster. :smiley:

Not only is her effect powerful and the stats reasonable given it and the cost, Rogue has many ways to capitalize on this card to strengthen one’s own game state and exacerbate situations for one’s opponent. Infinite or nigh-infinite value, especially with Sonya Shadowdancer and Valeera the Hollow, is greatly enhanced; this is particularly powerful in decks that thrive on the same, such as Jade Rogue!

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Love the new look, it’s a good colour on you! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Wooaah, Legendary!!!



I wonder how much dust I can get for disenchanting you!

The Beast Within is IMHO a very underrated card.

You get two attacks. I don’t know if people really understand the card.

I think people think you only get 1 attack.

ie. King Krush goes face. Then you hit it with BW, it gets 1/1 and attacks a random minion on board. 2 attacks.

Works well with Shaw too. Flanking Strike kills a minion, gives you a 3/3, You get your rush, and if you survive, you hit it with BW, get 1/1 and attack (random) again!


Academic espionage. That card can induce serious rage quits.

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Stargazer Luna.

She’s been getting serious mileage in my Big Spell Mage.

Good body, potential to draw cards, and she’s a soft taunt that can win you games if she sticks.

Opponents like to panic and spend burn spells to get rid of her, and then end up losing when they’re missing that last bit of burst damage to finish me off, leaving me to swing the game with FLJ.


Shadow Visions. I know its used a lot, but I think its power is overlooked most of the time. Its the most powerful utility spell ever introduced in Hearthstone. 2 mana: Get an answer to the current board state/ resource production. Its a sneaky overpowered card imo.

Bear Shark vs Priests and Rogues is so money.

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Sonya Shadowdancer.
Almost auto-include for me in all rogue decks.

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Bolvar, Fireblood

A little shocked for don’t meet people trying use it. More obscure than that, only Deathaxe Punisher.


LOL, “swing the game”

FLJ is the win condition.

But yes, Luna is a good card and definitely a soft taunt.

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Zerek Master Cloner
If you can copy him with Vivid Nightmares or Power Word:Replicate it’s pretty fun

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lady in white
making a deck full of big health minions, and than slamming this minion on the board on turn 6 or 5 with coin is just the best feeling ever. I made one of my first decks with her which I took to competitive and actually got to rank 15. I love this card, however it does feel bad when she’s at the bottom of the deck


electra storm surge double bloodlust can win u games on its own when your opponent is not expecting it electra is the reason i got rank 8 during boomsday’s first month if i have 4 minions (even totems) i can deal 24 damage turn 8 and win xD and thats not even considering double LS double volcano and more, this card didnt see heavy play due to those pesky old expasion cards that are finally leaving us april 9th

Mine is Bolvar Fordragon. Some of you may not remember this card at all. The 5 mana 1/7 legendary that came out with gvg for paladin. In a silver hand recruit paladin deck he is amazing. Just bait out removal, and board clears then near the end of the game you have a 32/7. I use him as a finisher.