What’s your favorite underrated card?

For me it would have to be Galvadon, because when those adapts hit right. For example getting stealth plus windfury and buffs to attack and health, your opponent is going to be in for a world of pain next turn if they can’t do anything about it.

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He’s not that bad if you don’t die turn 4.


It has to be Mana Addict. It’s just so rewarding when opponent cannot remove it.


Idk if it’s underrated exactly, but I loved playing around with Mana Geode when it was in standard.

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Which is why I use Rebuke in my Galvadon deck. Nether this!

Nexus champion was always fun to play for me.


Not sure if it’s underrated but an currently loving Academic Espionage. Hoping the new expansion gives me the tools to really play around with it more.


Witches cauldron. You can get some funny results with it.

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I d say Cenarius. This card can do miracles in token druid decks but still its destined to see 0 play due to its high cost.



Deathwing is what I would call a really good card design. It is a really powerful board clear, that also puts out a threat to your opponent. BUT, it comes with a (potentially) huge cost. It is really good in top deck mode, but really bad when you have a full hand. And it is not overpowered. Every class has ways to remove it.

I really like the card, but unfortunately, with every expansion, it becomes worse and worse. More and more minions are added that you do not want to kill, making Deathwing pretty much a useless card now. And given the more aggressive metas lately, 10 Mana cost also does not help him.


Alarm-o-bot, I just love the frantic attempts to kill him in my paladin deck with secrets.

Meatwagon, similar. People are just never sure how to react to it. Do I want them to kill it, or am I going to buff it next turn (the answer is both, cause it is getting rezzed)?

Rogue secrets cheat death and sudden betrayal. Such fun.


He wrecks mass hysteria soaks up mage removal and can even make little 1/1 s with taunt(that already don’t seem to die) live foreves.
Really good card when played correctly on a carefully constructed board :heart:


FWIW my planned Rumble hour-1 deck was Dire Frenzy + Boar Shuffle + Draw those back w Master’s Call + Emeriss them up.

Unfortunately, Master’s Call’s “Discover” doesn’t treat 6 copies, or 3 copies of the same-beast as “different beasts” so you are only drawing 1 off Master’s Call, even though your deck is all beasts, only beasts, just 6 copies of the same one.

So yea that was a harsh awakening to Discover.
Would of been cool to sequence-shuffle like that over multiple turns instead of some OTK with low-setup like what most are these days.

I’d love to-like Cave Hydra, it’s just one-health too-weak to reliably stick to do anything with. Prof-Putricide is also 1 health too-weak to stick, has to be same-turned, and that same-turn condition is all seen too much before. Also, before I forget, Abominable Bowman…is completely unplayable due to Hex/Poly/Potion of Poly’s beast-tags. So Bowman getting Poly’d isn’t an issue since same-turn, but any Mage or Shaman is seriously an auto loss in a Bowman deck…because anything they Hex/Potion of Poly’d before destroys your deckbuilding around Bowman. The beast tag on the Frog or Sheep.

Flare would be an outstanding card if it countered Counterspell and or cost 1. Hunter’s need other options besides all-beast draw (really, draw-3 in a fast-all-beast hunter is too strong, should of been 2, still would be 100 percent played), quest-draw, something 1 for 1mana sounds fair. I mean Rogue’s get draw-2, develop a 3/2 for usually 3 mana and a coin or 4 mana and a backstab. Flare countering Counterspell or costing 1 in 2019? Nozdormu to 12 seconds to actually-pressure?

astral rift. i play one copy of it in control mage(not bsm). not only helps summon giants earlier but also often opens hilarius posibilities. gnomash lethals, inpector vs huter, with my personal favorite, mc teck vs a cube hunter stealing kingcrush for lethal in an otherwise hopless game.
i like cards that can turn games in unexpected directions.

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Crafted it recently and I have had fun time in Wild with him!

Otherwise I love to play Scourgelord Garrosh

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I loved both Dalaran Aspirant and Master of Ceremonies.

I did try to make a spell damage mage deck during TGT.


shadow form , i like this card.

  1. Medivh, I love the card art, entrance and the weapon is so fun to use
  2. C’thun, my fav part about this card is the quotes he keeps giving when he gets buffed especially “you have already lost”. edit: also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QWKz35iP_4&t=419s min 6:43

Millhouse Manastorm

A dead card against priest and Druid, but the 4/4 pressure or removal eater that it is (on turn 2 nonetheless) can turn some mediocre decks into threats with massive pressure.

Overlooked combo: Piloted Reaver + Millhouse = 4mana 4/3 death: summon a 4/4. Great package would recommend to any Aggro/even deck

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i like
The Darkness
it was a neat idea, i played around with it
i opened a golden one

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