What Packs to Buy?

I’m a returning player and currently quite overwhelm as to what packs should i buy to build a new meta relevant deck (fyi my preferred class are warlock ando hunter but im currently very interested in building a death knight deck)

Buy the mini sets if you have the gold for them, then standard packs if you’re playing standard.

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There’s a DK set that can be purchased with Gold. Get it if you want to play DK.

Then get March of the Lich King packs.

And you will do fine for DK. It’s the most economical right now.

Warlock is garbage right now. Ignore it.

Hunter requires a mix of the last 4 expansions. It’s OK, but it’s more difficult to assemble.

My suggestion to you is this…

The meta is all over the place right now. I would encourage you to watch some streamers that you like to figure out what play-style you want to go with.

Just do your research first before you start putting funds into the game. Since you’re a returning player you most likely will be crafting and working with limited resources.

That is if you’re trying to build a deck to be competitive on ladder and climb. Frost DK is strong, however, not as strong as we it was pre patch. Blood Death knight is also strong, but those matches are long and boring, but some players like that kind of play style. Unholy death Knight is a high risk High reward, you can run out options quickly and card draw is pretty much non existent with it at the moment.