What kind of s show are you running

Why in the actual hell cant you balance these classes how many times do we have to say it if im watching one class cheese there whole deck why do you go to 10 mana anymore why dont you just watch por n if you want to play with yourselves. So i get to watch 1 class play there whole gd deck to:
1:Buff there atk and armor to hit you in the face and yogg
2: shadowstep a million times and play no creatures but yogg and giants infinitely
3: cheese out 10 cost creatures by not even playing them resurrection turn 4
4: killing yourself so you win turn 4 by discarding and not doing anything
5:kill the hero cheese
6: kill the hero cheese
7: getting milled to death since you cant balance a druid
Why is it ok for xyz classes to watch this because the cheese doesn’t exist to counter it before their turn 5


They play the game where people get hyped for an expansion, hoping it will solve things. but as history shows, swearword always breaks.

They have no ability to make an exp/set that fixes any due to how their workflow works.

This is an endless cycle, that will never change.

HS will never be balanced again. acceptable metas is a thing tho.