What kind of match making is this?

I´m looking for friends to play and get stuff…

They’ve changed the New Player experience in recent time. You no longer get matched according to your rank, or within 1 rank (up or down). Right now, a Ranked 40 player just starting can play against a Ranked 1 player. I think I know whey they did this (to increase the pool and have less wait time).

@Skylander - I don’t even know how to figure out my ranking, but I believe you based on a number of the opponents I’ve seen!

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Do you mean this can apply regardless where on the ladder you are?
Is it possible for a bronze player to be up against a diamond player, etc?


Do you remember the name of the streamer?

They were a very small streamer that I have not seen streaming in weeks. So there’s no point in me giving the name.

I sometimes stream at twitch.tv/jonius7
and have some guides here for new/returning players: Jonius' guides to Hearthstone

After two years of me trying to convince her, a friend of mine just made a blizzard account to experience Hearthstone.
And seriously, this is unplayable.
Is there any matchmaking at all?
Her first game she ran into some Tickatus Warlock, the Second was a Rush Warrior who ran at least Samuro, Runthak, Whatley and Alex, the third match was a big druid that stomped her at turn 9 after she thought she would win her first, the fourth was against someone with only 2 legendarys in a somehow randomly conglomerated deck, the next two completely overpowered Libram Paladins.
What are those 40 new-player-ranks for?
Even if you get decent cards out of your first packs, it feels f*in IMPOSSIBLE to climb those 40 to eventually begin to actually play the “whole” game!
Please, do something about this, every single new player will leave this game after 2 evenings of getting shattered by everyone.

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And by the way: There are several bugs there, in the first quests, rewards tend to be not shown (you get an empty quest that tells you to play two games without showing you that you get packs) and in the tutorial, instead of sitting on the board, Hoggers minions were lurking around the right edge of the screen… what the… does anyone consider new players at all?
Because you should motivate new players, as plenty of the old are leaving…

I feel exactly the same. I passed Training stages two weeks ago, get my way through Silver 10 and then… I just can hope a very dumb opponent to win a bout. Seeing C’Thun at start very often, meaning even a donkey will trample my deck, or decks full of legendary heroes… Losing 8-9/10 times isn’t very entertaining. Especially when you still need to up all your classes to lvl 20 to unlock features in duels and so…

EDIT : So I played some dozens bouts. Hilarious. I am still stuck Silver 10 in an amazing charade. First a fight against an fair opponent, I win a star ; second a loolypoopy deck full of legendaries with shiny animations, I lose the star. And so on and so on…
My decks aren’t so bad. Just enough to oppose some strong resistance and give whales some entertainment. I can’t believe a strong company like Blizzard could had compute this by purpose ?? O_O ??

Edit : more dozens of games. Just to see the killer cards. Even in Duels or Arena, your poor stuff can be extinct just by one legendary card in early game. Also, seems like free player have slightly little chances to get triples in Battle ? Very easy to finish in the four, almost impossible to win by first, crushed in final bout by a full golden sets competitor.

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