What kind of match making is this?

Just downloaded this game, since WoW is under maintenance.

First Game, Player Left.
Second Game, Player was Afk until I auto won…
Third and Forth games?.. VS people with completely decked out… decks. I stood ZERO chance with the default cards…

Edit 1:
Game 5?

Same deal. A Fully geared out deck while I am just trying to get the hang of the game…


Seriously, wth? Does Blizzard not want new players to be able to play?.. The matches weren’t even close.

Edit 2:
This is pathetic… Match 6? I didn’t even do 10 damage to the player… I am an ABSOLUTE beginner at this game. Why am I being matched with players who spent hundreds if not thousands on decks???


If you are an absolute beginner then the first 10 matches is a learning course against AI.

. . . . .

I am well aware of that. That is called a tutorial. I don’t, and didn’t, consider those as matches.

Are you trying to be funny? I don’t understand the point of your reply. Is it an attempt to belittle me in some way? Why are you here if not to help?


I am enduring a similar experience. Is there a way to return to the apprentice player pool? I was winning roughly 50% of matches there, and in Bronze am closer to 10%, if that. Certainly some issues where my play is off, but I’m confident that this is almost entirely being savagely outclassed in card quality. For my two cents, the gap between the apprentice pool and the bronze pool is too wide, and the ecosystem would benefit from some stage in between.


Have you tried playing in casual? You don’t actually have to always play ranked all the time. It’s a lot more fun in casual to be honest. I’m pretty new too, it does get better.

@Acklay Stick with it. Unfortunately you “winning” sky rocketed your MMR number. So your matching against harder opponents. After you lose a few more matches you should be back to a more normal match.

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I have not tried Casual. Will give it a shot and hope it hits the mark.

Someone advised me that when move from Apprentice to Bronze, I needed to switch to Demon Hunter and focus on cheap fast damage. Not my favorite playstyle, but they were on to something. I’m far more competitive. I guess maybe it takes better card quality to have a slow developing playstyle than it does to just get in their face and do damage quickly?

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To win games when you’re playing with a limited collection, going for an aggressive gameplan is your best bet.

However the path can be pretty narrow to the uninformed. Playing Demon Hunter does make it easier since they have very few “bad cards” compared to the other classes.

The problems you will inevitably face are that it’s fairly easy for anyone to just get a copied deck build, that has a base power level you will find difficult to face with your own decks, especially when you don’t know what all the cards do. These decks can also be quite forgiving, in that a player can make stupid mistakes with a “good deck” but if you can’t punish it, they may get away with it.

So to try to narrow that gap, I advocate for getting key commons and rares opening a few packs here and there from each of the expansions.

To cut down on that frustration, here is a link to a spreadsheet where I list out the staple cards to keep:

As an example, here is a “Starting out” deck for Shaman where a player might have opened a few packs, maybe got a Boggspine Knuckles, and crafted a few cards like another copy of Tour Guide, or Serpentshrine Portal (which are staple commons)

Jonius’ Shaman

Class: Shaman

Format: Wild

1x (1) Beaming Sidekick

1x (1) Blazing Battlemage

2x (1) Lightning Bolt

1x (1) Revolve

1x (1) Safety Inspector

1x (1) Sludge Slurper

1x (1) Southsea Deckhand

1x (1) Surging Tempest

2x (1) Tour Guide

1x (1) Worgen Infiltrator

2x (2) Cagematch Custodian

1x (2) Prize Vendor

1x (2) Rockbiter Weapon

2x (2) Rune Dagger

1x (2) Stormforged Axe

2x (3) Bogstrok Clacker

2x (3) Lava Burst

1x (3) Mana Tide Totem

2x (3) Serpentshrine Portal

1x (3) Whack-A-Gnoll Hammer

2x (5) Bloodlust

1x (5) Boggspine Knuckles


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

The idea is to build around what you have, and save dust for what you want later, which may be notoriously difficult for some players’ play style.

People will commonly tell you to beeline for a deck or full meta build, which I think just destroys your enjoyment of the game long term. You want to be able to eventually have a collection that doesn’t have “all their eggs in one basket” so to speak. It can be made easier if you pick a few classes and stick to only those classes.

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Thanks for trying to help. But I’ve got 18 of those 30 cards. The Mana Tide Totem is the only non-common I’ve got. I may come back to this idea later on down the line if I ever have this many good cards.


Class: Demon Hunter

Format: Standard

Year of the Phoenix

1x (1) Abusive Sergeant

1x (1) Animated Broomstick

2x (1) Battlefiend

1x (1) Beaming Sidekick

2x (1) Shadowhoof Slayer

1x (1) Throw Glaive

2x (1) Twin Slice

2x (1) Ur’zul Horror

2x (2) Blade Dance

2x (2) Chaos Strike

1x (2) Feast of Souls

1x (3) Aldrachi Warblades

2x (3) Coordinated Strike

2x (3) Eye Beam

2x (3) Satyr Overseer

1x (4) Marrowslicer

1x (5) Chaos Nova

1x (5) Command the Illidari

1x (7) Priestess of Fury

2x (8) Inner Demon


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

If I pasted this in right, you can see the deck I’ve got. Have been lucky that a good number of my blues have been Demon Hunter cards that are pretty usable. Or have been to me so far at least. Like Priestess of Fury, Blade Dance and Throw Glaive. I’ve gotten two purple eye beams, which are great. My golden cards so far don’t seem to be very good. Maybe I’ve just not figured out how to use them, or they go into a different style of decks. I’ve got a bunch of Garamond golds, The Beast, Ysera, Making Mummies, Grand Empress Shek’zara, Instructor Fireheart, Lady Vashj, Vessina, Captain Greenskin, and Malygos. Should I be trying to build a deck around one or more of those? Are any of those very powerful?

My point is, you may have other cards you could put in instead.

Posting your collection will help if you need an idea what to do with the cards in your collection. Here’s how to do it:

Check my spreadsheet for a rough rating on these cards:
These ratings are bound to shift from time to time.

Here’s a more detailed overview of each legendary you mentioned:

The Beast: pretty bad, dust later.
Ok to play casually if you’re missing cards to put in. Later on you’ll use other cards.

Ysera: Good, Keep.
Decent late game control legendary. Keep, since it’s also from the Classic set.

Making Mummies: OK.
You’ll need Reborn cards from the same set (Saviors of Uldum) to really use this one (most are common/rare). Overall it offers interesting deckbuilding choices, can outright win games at lower ranks.

Grand Empress Shek’zara: Niche
Has synergy with other cards that put stuff in your deck eg: Ticket Master. Could be good, I have not seen too much of her.

Instructor Fireheart: Ok
Can provide decent value discovering multiple spells in one turn and being able to play them. Pretty playable for most Shaman decks.

Lady Vashj: Niche
The spell damage on a 4/3 body isn’t anything spectacular, and the Prime form can be pretty weak the turn you play it. You can put her in, but don’t expect amazing things.

Vessina: Good
Form a wide board, play an Overload card, and buff up your minions attack, for 2 turns! Very good for an aggressive gameplan.

Captain Greenskin: Deck Staple, Keep
Any deck running weapons and pirates, Greenskin is always a consideration. Keep. Anytime you see Doctor Krastinov in a decklist, you can put in Greenskin, the cards are very similar.

Malygos: Deck Staple, Keep
A card that has always found a way into some sort of combo deck since forever. Classic Set staple. You never disenchant this unless you really want to limit your collection.

Don’t overvalue the importance of legendaries. It’s more worth to craft some really good commons and rares to be able to try out more deck archetypes. Let’s say, use 500 dust. That can get you 3 rares and 5 commons for example, and if they are really good ones, that ups the consistency of your whole deck by quite a bit.

Whereas you can spend 1600 dust on a legendary and you don’t draw it at all in your games.


It wouldn’t let me post the link. So I removed the beginning part. Hope that works. Deck suggestions most welcome. Thanks.

Matching is completely borked for New Players (and Standard as well, but that’s another story). I started over when I changed regions just to try it and I was like Rank 48 and I got put with a Rank 3 (I know because I friended the person after and saw their rank) and got hammered just like you did.

It used to be that the system put you with people at the same rank as you or within 1 rank. Not any more. It’s actually a really bad game change for the New Player experience and I can’t see why they thought this was better.

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It happens because there’s some pricks with lots of money who just make new accounts to whale them out and prey on noobs.

I have advocated for limiting card rarity in the apprentice Ranks to eliminate this issue. Such that you could only use basic cards at first and get a new rarity every 5 levels…

But of course Blizzard is cashing in from these turds who love to make other people feel miserable, so I don’t think it’s happening.

I see that the program you recommended has a deck recommending feature. Have tried that, it suggesting something loosely similar to what you had. So far, I’m getting destroyed. Think I may not be playing it well yet, and will practice some more and see how it goes.

My bad for not returning with specific deck suggestions, I was going to try and go through and make some builds but it turned out to be a bit of an ordeal since everyone’s collection is different.

What you can do is put in 2 of a card in (eg: Lightning Bloom) and click the Complete My Deck button. It will give you a deck that is usually playable, at the very least workable, so that you have a better idea of the cards you could use.

Put that deck in here and it would be easier to tweak the deck towards a specific game plan, rather than try to create a whole new one.

After a month or so in the game, I think I’ve gotten a better foundation of common cards at least. The deck linked below has been competitive enough that I reached Silver-5. Also made myself a warrior deck that is fun to play, but too slow to be competitive.

Speed DH

Class: Demon Hunter

Format: Standard

Year of the Phoenix

2x (1) Battlefiend

1x (1) Beaming Sidekick

1x (1) Consume Magic

1x (1) Guardian Augmerchant

2x (1) Intrepid Initiate

2x (1) Mana Burn

2x (1) Shadowhoof Slayer

2x (1) Twin Slice

2x (1) Ur’zul Horror

2x (2) Bonechewer Brawler

2x (2) Chaos Strike

1x (2) Cult Neophyte

1x (2) Manafeeder Panthara

1x (2) Spectral Sight

2x (2) Umberwing

2x (2) Wriggling Horror

2x (3) Acrobatics

1x (3) Stiltstepper

1x (4) Altruis the Outcast


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

You got lucky my friend. I wish this kind of stuff happened to me :rofl:

A couple of days ago, I happened upon a streamer on Twitch who was pretty new to Hearthstone. And I got good examples of how a new player might not learn what good trading and board control is unless given a helping hand.

In the past, I would have recommended Trump Teachings to learn this stuff, but the video series is so old, there are so many differences in cards and gameplay in 2021 compared to 2014, that a player might end up more confused.

I say this because being able to figure out these fundamentals will better serve you in the long run, for a player who is trying to catch up with acquiring new cards AND having to learn how to play them, as well as how to build your own decks.

And you will win more games this way, guaranteed, without having to rely on a meta strategy that may not exist a couple of months later.

Don’t new players get a free meta deck?

thats the game trying its best to get you to buy packs or craft those decks. usual blizzard stuff