What is your absolute favorite card?

I am just wondering what is your all time favorite Heartsthone card?

Mine is golden Gorgonzormu !!

The dragon is so cute ! I love cheese. Cute little mouse about to be eaten holding onto the cheese for dear life LOL ! Love his sound effects and voice.

This card is amazing and the animation is so cool !


Itā€™s gotta be the Shamanā€™s 2 mana 3/4 with overload (1)

What can I say, I loved mana cheat before it was popular!

Oh, and then Fel Reaver, 5 mana 8/8 which discards 3 cards from your deck!

Those two minions kinda sealed the deal for my taste in decks

I still play a version of Fel Reaver every day xDD (Waste Remover)

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I totally get the love for Gorgonzormuā€”such a fun card with a great design! For me, though, it has to be Gruul from the original classic set. Thereā€™s just something so satisfying about having a massive minion that keeps getting stronger each turn. The anticipation of watching my opponent sweat as I build up his attack is such a thrill! Plus, his artwork captures that raw, primal vibe perfectly.

I love how Gruul embodies that classic ā€œbig creatureā€ feel in Hearthstone, making every game feel epic when he hits the board. Definitely one of my all-time favorites! What do you think about those kinds of cards that just tower over everything else?

king krush.

20 characters

My favorite all time card is Meteor,it was the vanguard for my all time favorite deck BSM.

Epic Ā· Spell Ā· Journey to Unā€™Goro Ā· Deal 15 damage to a minion and 4 damage to adjacent ones.

By card art its Sif signature that i dont own sadly.



I have always liked the flavor and flexibility of this card.

Its the only card i ever crafted golden xD


Yes that is one of my favorites too !

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Masked Reveler, because it powered my favorite deck ever, which consisted of just Masked Reveler, Amanā€™Thul, Ra-den, and Automatons.

Flow was copy a Reveler, Reveler creates a copy of Ra-den, Ra-den regens the Reveler, Reveler creates a copy of Ra-den, etc. Use copies of Amanā€™Thul to create more Revelers or Ra-dens as needed and the whole time Automatons keep resurrecting and getting more powerful.

Once the recycle loop was going Warriors would just exhaust all their cards clearing and resurrecting the board, make the situation worse each time and finally rage quit. It was glorious.

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do you have a copy of the deck online?

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His art, his effects, his actual character in the WC universe, i was so happy to see him added. WoW did him dirty in Legion imo. Then again in-universe thereā€™d be no way for the heroes to actually kill him since heā€™s the universeā€™s strongest, so i guess they had to go ā€œlol he got locked upā€ instead.

Overall he just gives me god card vibes from YGO, moreso than the other titans at least.

Legendary Ā· Minion Ā· TITANS Ā· Titan Battlecry: Open a portal that summons two 3/2 Imps each turn.


Carnival clown. Rewards you for handbuffing, rewards you for surviving past turn 10 or for making him cheaper, synergizes with A. F kay, and has 2 of my favorite voicelines in the game, corrupted and uncorrupted. Update: Imp King Rafaam is now in close second for me. Whose my favorite Imps with gimps? Itā€™sss Imprisoned Scrap Imp!

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My favorite card is Deathstalker Rexxar.

Nothing will top the nostalgia for that card.

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Chillwind Yeti


its a Tie between Cā€™thun and Baku to be honest. In the way back when it was Kelā€™Thuzad. Man I loved playing it and the Goblin boom bot generator guyā€¦ Dr Boom? idk the nameā€¦ he made 2 bomb token minions that deathrattled random dmg to random enemy targets.

More recent? Probably Marin or Chogall with the anomalies.

Scratch all the above, Chogall with the anomalies. lol

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in terms of character, Varden Dawngrasp. in terms of art, MC Blingtron. in terms of novelty, the Headless Horseman lol

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Dr 7 is by far the coolest card.

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Isnā€™t it obvious? Blizzard.

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i like all the cards almost. when i read the thread title i thought of chillwind yeti as a kind of joke but i dunno.


OG Reno Jackson
Because it cemented what in the future would be the funniest archetype in the history of hs: highlander.


Here is a replay, turn 8 the Warrior presses ā€˜startā€™ on the Spin Cycle and dooms himself, man this deck was so hilarious to play. Not even a Reno saves him from the Spin Cycle.

hsreplay net/replay/Yr7cVycQc8KkbYqZMAUkLx

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Legendary Ā· Minion Ā· Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Ā· All targets are chosen randomly.