What is your absolute favorite card?

That’s a loaded question. The “one absolute favorite” does not exist. It reminds me of when I was in high school and I thought the absolute music is only one sub-genre.


I done some thinking and I actually do have a real absolute favorite, one who’s always there when I want to draw him, never disappointed me from the day I started using him. Sky Gen’ral Kragg.
Screw anyone else I got from story mode! Tekahn is temporary, Kragg is eternal!

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But there is a correct answer to which is the greatest…Tribute to the greatest song in the world.


That’s not the greatest song in the world, no, this is just a tribute.


I would say mine is Infinitize the Maxitude. Just a fun card all around!


Thats what I said, rig a goo goo rig a goo yeah!

Me and cheezus both love wyrmrest purifier

I was doing infinite shenanigans before they were cool.


Shadowcaster plus

Epic · Minion · Whispers of the Old Gods · Battlecry: Destroy a minion. Add its Attack and Health to your C

I wanted it so bad xD making 100 damage c’thuns for giggles

Shadowcaster on Shadowcaster is a pretty funny infinite too


My fave Shadowcaster combo was getting 7 of these on board:

with this hero power:

Never did manage to get the 512 damage to go face though. Its hard enough to setup in the first place, let alone doing it on an empty board. Might have to try the deck again, Rogue has better tools now. It will still suck, but just once 512 to face would be awesome!