What is up with battlegrounds heros?

Why do i get the same ones over and over, but never see my favs?
I paid for battle pass this season (twice as many heros to choose from each round) and yet I see them even LESS! (WAY less)


probably, Generally it seems to offer a hero twice at least if you choose it the first time… But yea you can go a 100 bg’s and only see other people play a particular hero.

Heck diablo has been in game 3 times and I have never had him as a choice.

Diablo has been in bgs? I have not seen him even once this time around, sure for duels, but not for bgs for this diablo release cross promotion.

Yea I think it was for like 1 day, when D4 released
Every like 4 rounds everyone would fight a clone of his team, plus a Diablo… if you killed the diablo you got rewards, if not, that person got 2 rewards (for every person who failed to kill the clone diablo)

I have yet to see Hogger as an option among others. Just random rolls.

It was for a few days when D4 released (I think 3? Definitely not 1 or 2^^) and for me personally he was in every damn lobby. People who played him ridiculously highrolled with him while me myself I never even got above 7th place with Diablo :smiley: So yeah, you missed nothing there. Be glad that you probably missed the time window for that ^^

Topic; Most rare heroes for me is the chubby murloc, Aszshara and Vashj, Denathrius and Tickatus. More often I get Nguyen (I like his hero power, so no problem. Most of the time it’s Top 4 with him).

oh I was aware of the diablo in bgs a while ago, i was asking if he happened again this time for this newest diablo title release.