What is up with all the cookie cutter decks?

Was getting really annoyed playing wild and always seeming to lose to the same stupid decks. So I played standard and right out of the gate I keep getting opponents who play basic cards. They’re stupidly easy to beat as long as you’re not playing a particularly weak deck against your opponent constantly laying down cheap minions and always, always going face regardless what you might have on the board.

Now with the quests I have I have had to go back to wild to finish them as I have no standard lock decks. Now I’ve played 2 pally’s back to back with this same stupid strat and one was my demon seed deck so yeah that actually ended in a tie. First time in my entire HS career where I played both players take fatigue twice and he should have technically lost with 1 health and me with 6, but the whole act had to be played out I guess.

But seriously what is up with this stupid as crap strategy?

Well for many like myself we stink at building our own decks so netdecking is all we can do. I can learn and play a deck someone else built, but I can’t build a deck on my own.

Most netdeckers (unlike that honest one above me) can’t make decks and somehow think that piloting a deck only makes them as good as someone who comes up with the deck they copied.

Those are bots playing the aggro decks from 2014. They just ignore your board and go face until they die.

from what you’re describing it sounds like it could be bots