What is the point of playing

this is my strategy every month.

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They are both too good or they wouldn’t be played as they are.
one or more of Theo, Den, and Ren are played in practically every deck.

i disagree.

1 is strong as hell while the other is literally a stealer.
and that they are in every deck does not really mean they are all OP or anything Mallenroh you should know that by now.

Denathrius could use some work, Renathal is just 10 extra cards for the deck and thats it and Theotar is a tech card which is usefull in certain situations. so only 1 card needs a fix and the other 2 are fine as it is.

Your opinion. playrates offer some evidence as to power.
You show nothing to corroborate what you think

what do you even mean at this point?

Theotar is literally a tech card and it steals a card… in return u give a bad card back is the point of that very said card. what evidence do you need here?

Denathrius is strong even considered OP hell i would even agree with that. a simple nerf would fix a situation but probably not fully because druid is still OP.

and third and last is Renathal: what is so good about him ? ‘‘oh hey we made you OP by letting you add 10 extra cards’’ wow how sweet… there is 1 upside to it tho: you could experiment in making decks that was probably impossible due to the lack of numbers.

All three cards are too good, period. And playrates support that.

good? sure. too good? i doubt that. aside from 1 card.

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according to you.


yes and probably according to many others as well.

“Probably” being the key word.
HSR says all three cards are over played.
Ignoring you now.
I have nothing to say to someone so glaringly obtuse.

That was somthing of a strategy against Quest Hunter utilized especially by Spell Mage.

O tempora, o mores!

I know how you feel. I play in Wild and the cards (Theo Ren and Denath) are so good that at least one is in every deck.
They have warped the entire game.

i think someone like you should stop being blinded by his own judgement of thinking what is right and what is wrong instead of completely whining about everything.

oh wait didnt you say you are a wild player??

welp your argument has just become null and void.

I think Infuse should be axed from the game.
Idk if precedent exists for removing a keyword, but that is my thought.

okay i think i have seen enough from this guy at this point. :rofl:

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You want the game to improve? STOP PAYING THEM

Wanna remove the card or absolutely devastate it. Send it to the Hall of Fame.

they will still exist to ruin Wild.

Yes, So make it so it is unavailable to play in Wild and Standard. Easy. Why has it to be one or another. Why not make Sire Denathrius nerf for Standard and make it separate for Wild. It just seems dumb that the most intelligent companies make the most dumbest decisions. IQ cannot be measured or exactly know of. Every Question, Every Answer, and Every action and Decision is based on IQ. Make a dumb decision it goes down. Make a good decision goes up. You can’t calculate it. And this goes to other cards.

Just make Sire Denathrius removed. Therefore we don’t get these complaints. Unless you tend to keep the card, but realizing you can’t nerf it or buff it. Because nerfing it will completely decimate the card or buffing it makes it infuriating for the player base to handle. Just REMOVE it.

I can’t believe I have to say THIS is Activision Blizzard, your talking to Activision. They only love money.

I have called for card removals since the days of Shudderwock.
It hasn’t happened yet.

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