What is the point of playing

Where did you read he’s left blizzard???

It’s been widely reported this week…

Dean “Iksar” Ayala leaves the Hearthstone Game Director position after only 3 months in charge – Esports | Esports.gg

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There must be some fierce inner fights going on.
Hopefully they are about the core game, not other bs.

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We may never know. Probably politics.

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Its a race to get the D out and use it in all its glory, once the D gets stolen you feel bad and your night is inevitably ruindd

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Personally, I think the Infuse keyword would’ve been better received if it gained power from killing your opponent’s minions and not your own. This way classes like Druid couldn’t abuse it by summoning a massive swarm of kamikaze minions to cheat out value.


On the other hand, it would go against the board game, favouring a passive control style.

If denatrious was infused by opponent’s minions, the meta would be worse imo

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I think it’s a better alternative to what we have right now, with classes now running Aggro decks due to the looming threat of Ramp Druid.

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A premature D can be quite underwhelming. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I had a 20ish D pulled out on me yesterday and it was just too small. I had a Devourer with a humongous rear that took that D and threw it out like it was nothing.

A big D can end things, but it’s not the end of all things. You don’t need to be so intimidated of the big D.


Only, and I insist, if you plan to go to turn 20 or so.

I play a late midrange deck. I win by turn 12-14 or so. Regularly, I draw Denathrius somewhere on turn 8-10, and know for a fact he is not gonna be relevant unless my opponent keeps letting me play board after board while just clearing them.

Sure, sometimes I have him on hand from turn 1 and lose because I’ve been holding a dead card for the past 7 turns against an aggressive deck, and sometimes I play him and win the gane, but such are win conditions.

If denathrius is ALWAYS closing your games out you may want to reconsider your win con or tech in Theotar if all your games go so long.


What does that do for the meta?

Everyone avoiding minions to stop your opponent’s Infuse.

The point of Infuse was to support a minion based meta, then you have to have the keyword reward YOU, for your deck that runs loads of minions.

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Agreed. These “I Win” cards do everything to detract from skillful interaction and reduce the game to singular “gotchas” which may award a lot of dopamine to the “I Win” card-player, but overall I think is more detrimental to the game than naught.


yes you’re right. sire is completely OP and there is no such thing as a control deck that wins anymore now that sire is in the game and he does far too much damage right now in a good sire deck. he needs a large nerf ASAP.

That’s contradictory. And nobody believes you.

If you are proposing a change to make Infuse off the opponent, then the only way you capitalize from it and Denathrius becomes a bad card nobody ever wants to put in their deck (what you really want) is because you run few minions to stop infusions.

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This is just wrong.

If Infused worked from killing your opponent’s minions, then the only decks that would run Infuse cards would be control decks running every AoE and/or removal card available.

No one would ever play anything on the board unless it gave them a major advantage.


Excuse me for having an opinion, dick.

If you aren’t having fun, take a break from the game. It is that simple. As long as you keep playing and especially if you spend any money, you are telling Blizzard to keep doing exactly what they are doing.

It’s just a game. If you are getting upset, walk. Simple.


I have been saying this for years. You want real change? Close your wallets.

people always blame aggro existing to a single deck…as if that specific deck is the only one aggro has a good match up


Theo is fine.

denathrius is the problem. nerf him by basically only let him hit minions to gain health back would be fine.