What is the exact date

that these stupid titans rotate out?

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In a month from now. Last year it was March 12th. This one around 15.

one more month. Then, freedom.

No more shaman’s for sure. Let’s see who’s gonna be the heir to the throne of autist kingdom.


no more amun thul or yogg.

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> he thinks power creep will not continue with the next expansion

oh sweet summer child.

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There are different levels of creep. Titans were on a very different level.

It was a rip off concept from mtg’s planeswalkers, where them instead had 3 effects but you must use the first one then the second till you get the 3rd game winning one. Nah hearthstone says ok poof now the board, spawn something the next one and the very next a copy. Its goes backwards rather than forwards.

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Nope. Ill still be around homebrewing to legend. :wink:

Yea, powercreep comes, powercreep goes. I don’t care. The day I know, I’ll never see Tho’grun and Aman’thul again, will be a good day.

Powercreep comes and goes but still we haven’t seen anything as insane as Shudderwock or MotLK Shadow Priest anymore so I’d say they’re learning, even if slower than they should
With that being said, I’m so excited to see disgusting cards like Aman’Thul or Boomboss to rotate out