What is the defense against this "I win" card?

Roge plays bomb.
Gets weapon that triggers deathrattle.
No defense.
Bombs drop until you are kilt.
How is this fun? Why would blizz make such a design? It is an “I win” card.
Whjy not create a lengendary and when you play it you auto win?
Might as well since it is the same thing.


Solid alibi may will delay their OTK, so will lotheb

ice block, followed by reno is checkmate
or gain a tons of armor, you need 30+ armor.

Alternative solutions:

  • Kill them before they can set up their combo. Combos like this prey on decks that do nothing to pressure their opponent. If the Rogue is in risk of dying, they won’t have time to set up their kill combo.
  • Destroy Necrium Blade whenever it’s played. Weapon removal can get you out of otherwise unwinnable situations against many decks.

This specific combo is the result of cards released years apart, so it never happened in Standard.

Necrium Blade is from Boomsday Project (2018)
Snowfall Graveyard is from Alterac Valley (2021)
Naval Mine is from Sunken City (2022)

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There is only specific deck that can kill the opponent by turn 5 ish, that’s the aggro archetype. The rogue can defend against it if he runs copies of cloak of shadow (i don’t know the deck super well).

I understand aggro deck is a perfectly valid archetype, but you may want the meta to have a variety of archetype and strategy, wouldn’t you. And mine rogue are pretty pushing the midrange and control archetype out of the picture.

IMO, i think some card in the combo should be mana nerfed, to the combo might still be possible, but at turn 8 or 9, not 5, so the rogue deck would evolve into not having so much card draw and more control tool.

As an example, mine warlock for me was fine, since the warlock couldn’t really combo until turn 8 at the earliest if he got good proc on his weapon, and turn 10-11 in average.

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Whenever I see necrium blade, I just concede, regardless whether I could have won or not. That’s the defense I employ.

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If you put that stuff in your deck though the AI will never pit you against them.
You know that. Are you new?
If you have a deck that breaks someones sole mehtod of winning you will never be pitted against them.
Put two geists in your deck and see how many druids with thos 1 cost emerald golems you get put up against. It will be zero.
Put weapons crushers and stealers in your deck and see how many roges you get with the magick weapon that keeps enchants. The answer is zero.
How do you not know that?


death warden forces them to need something to remove it to pull the combo

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My deck is not built with that stuff in it.
So why is the AI putting me up against 100% losses? There is nothing in my deck to mitigage bomb roge.
Why even let the game play?
The AI should have system where it just declares the roge bomber the winner so we dont have to waste time.

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Because i am not a crazy conspiracy theorist :smiley:
Seriously, it depends on your deck, but typically control deck do run cards that allow them to survive.

That being said, mine rogue is heavily favored against control. Best to concede and move on, unless it’s a control warrior and can gain enough armor to survive.

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yeah, that and the card that force any cards to cost at least 2 mana.
But running bad cards in the deck can be quite cumbersome

I personally don’t play wild seriously, it’s not worth it, out of balance meta aren’t fun to play.

And blizzard doesn’t care either. Wild is just a graveyard for all cards that rotated out of standard.

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a lot of deck run deathrattle effects in wild thats why i run deathwarden if i can

for example is the only way to destroy a weapon with deathrattle without triggering it

and is fun when epople dont pay attention to it and attempt to win with stuff like mechathun + poison seeds while i have deathwarden on the board :rofl:

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You really believe the game randomly pits people against other people without examining what cards are in their decks?
You really believe it is not curating anything?
You think its all random?
You actually think it uses RNG to shuffle your deck at the start and then gives you the cards as shuffled in?
You don’t believe it curates anything at all?

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So you’re just playing a really bad deck that needs an opponent doing nothing before you can win?

Just wait. Currently, there seem to be only two Rogue decks: This one, and Magnetic Rogue. They have apparently replaced Mill Rogue and Weapon Pumper Rogue as favorites.

Just concede when your opponent is a rogue, currently. Eventually, some new “Super deck” will come along, and all the Meta Goons will move on to that one.

Actually, Boreas, Stickyfinger Kobold works as well. Steal their weapon, and use it up quick before they Stickyfinger it back.