What is the biggest Colossal Minion?

I’m asking based on the lore of WOW.


The only ones that actually exist in the lore of wow at present are Ozumat and Blackwater Behemoth (yes, I actually went digging on the database for the one I couldn’t recall offhand).

Considering that in game, you see the entirety of Ozumat (in the cata dungeon), yet an entire 40 person raid is dwarfed by Blackwater Behemoth’s head, the best guess it that it’s the largest. Nessie would probably come in second, since she has a ship built on top of her, but is still larger and one could rank them down from there.

The leviathan is probably the smallest, since even in game it was dwarfed by the tentacles of Ozumat.

Hope that helps.

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Thankyou for the insight!
I think Neptulon is in game too but isn’t too big compared to the others.

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For comparison:

Neptulon gets carried off by Ozumat at the end of the boss fight I refer to in my post. They make him a bit small (though the PCs are tiny by comparison). It’s not to say he isn’t powerful, and could probably hold his own in a fight against Ozumat (he was weakened at that point), but Ozumat was at full power and literally one shot him and carried him off.