What is going on with Druid?

Ramp and stealing your mana crystals? Is this really okay?


Doomkin been in the game for over a year now :skull: :skull: :skull:

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So what? Doesn’t make it any less absurd. Just seeing it way more now that Reno got hit.


Its funny because they wanted to scale back ramp but its worse than before. I was in a game where I was at 3 mana and my opponent 10 mana.

Marin has just made it much worse too because they can amp up the mana cheat.

The game really is turning into a stale cesspit between the mana cheat/steal + the casino randomness


Cancer deck. Auto-concede every druid for me, cuz it aint worth slugging it out for 30 mins trying to beat one.


I played the deck. The issue is early efficient ramp. Bery often is the ramp dragon fault. Turn
2 dragon. So very often this deck can play doomkin on 4. Which is pretty absurd. Imagine you having 7 mana on turn 5 while your opponent has 4 xD

As a druid player it’s much worse against a priest. Ive had them shadow puppet the doomkin and copy it. They were at 10, I was at 5 so play at your own risk I guess.

Yep. Get a 3/4 with taunt that refreshes your mana, next turn Doomkin, almost every game. It’s so imbalanced. It makes no sense.

Yeah, it’s crazy. Discover ramp, coin, coin, coin, 8 mana versus 4 almost every game, at the worst for the Druid.

Are you saying 1 out of 10 classes has a counter, so that’s a risk? You got some really good odds going on.

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Yeah, this being common is a problem.

Turn 1: play something (fine)
Turn 2: weak play but ramp with dragon (fine)
Turn 3: 8-12 Mana worth of stuff with taunt drakes (not fine)
Turn 4: coin/innervate doomkin (not fine), or summer flower child (mostly ok)

It’s really that hyper efficient turn 3 that is just crippling whenever it happens because as you try to deal with it they transition to late game draws and/or more ramp.


Lets not forget turn 5 marin into wand/summon legendaries into playing 3 whatever cards/2 legendaries while you’re still stuck at 4 mana.

Its weird because these cards have been in the game for a while outside of marin where I guess is where the problem lies because they now have a ramp payoff.

Its going to get much worse in the expansion if they dont do something about it with spells like tsunami.


I think other problems like Bomb Boss and Reno were overshadowing this. Reno Druid was also strong in of itself.


I suppose I also forgot to mention dorian which quite frankly makes for probably the most cohesive manacheating deck in standard history… Dorian gets ramp dragons which are tutored from the cheap spells which allow to play flower child which gets the titan which allows to play 20 mana in a turn. Its really pushing the boundaries of the whole hearthstone mana turn system and not for the better.

I mean I guess its not a 75% winrate monster yet but I imagine its one poorly conceived card away.


I feel like I have stockholm syndrome with that titan, because I completely forgot about it, despite seeing it constantly. My eyes just glaze over.


Druid is stronger now because they nerfed Zilliax and Reno to be 1 turn late. Now it is easier for Druid to beat Control deck and as a result, their win rate is rising.


It’s not really dorian or marin. It’s the splish splash dude. I’ve been playing that druid deck and splish splashbis the card you want in your hand.

Nah, it’s not one card, it’s a combination of mana cheat/ramp, mana denial and infinite value.


It literally is that card. Playing doomkin on 6 turn is nowhere near as powerful as Playing doomkin on 4. Which I do all the tie with this deck.

Might as well play an actual slot machine app, at least you can put 60 dollars in and have a (tiny) chance to get it back.

Druid makes me absolutely loathe Doomkin, specially when they get multiple copies of it in their hand and just keep playing it for 3+ turns and just stunt your mana growth while they are still free to do their degenerate things. Not like mana cheat in druid is anything new, it’s just that now they’re able to prevent you from growing your mana pool…which is really oppressive and makes people grit their teeth.


When they anounced the nerfs to Unkilliax and Reno I shuddered. Druid was already trending at the time, and now it is the only hero I seem to face.

Now we’ve went from a meta where you could face any hero, albeit where everyone used couple of the same cards, to a druid-druid-druid meta. I know which I preferred.

As a side note, DH is also extremely powerful despite the nerfs. That has the potential to be problematic when more people realise its climb potential.