What is going on!? Bots? Trolls?

I’ve come back to Heartstone recently. I’m not digging the multiplayer like I used to back in 2018.

Mainly I’m getting very irritated about one main thing, and that’s when I play I seem to get matched against ALOT of people who are not even playing!

They are not playing their cards, they are not using their hero power. I can see them highlighting over their cards every now and then. They just twiddle around wasting their turn and my time til their rope comes up and runs out. Why!?

It’s truly aggravating because I want to play against a fair opponent that actually wants to play a fair fight…

Not bore me to tears as I slowly win waiting on their turn for their rope timer to run out.

Why are they doing this? Are these trolls or bots?

Fix this immediately please Blizzard.

I think if there’s a rope timer three turns in a row with no activity then it should be a considered forfeit by the opponent.

If this a bot problem, how embarrassing they are everywhere.
And clearly you guys don’t know how to handle them or don’t care.

Any advice from any one how to make it less frustrating?


They’re bots. ActiBlizSoft knows about them; doesn’t do anything about them, if they banned all bot accounts, the game would have to be shut down due to lack of revenue generation. Only things keeping the game afloat right now are fanbois and whales.

My advice - seek a better game like MTG or any other instead of Hearthstone.

Hearthstone has a horrific bot problem. Supposedly they banned a couple hundred thousand but if that’s true then they must have millions of bots “playing”.

Wait, the bot accounts actually pay for stuff? I thought they were F2P

I’m almost at Diamond 5 and I’m still playing against a decent number of bots. Just enough to give me hope of hitting the D5 floor so I can’t drop but then I get a string of losses to real players, then I play more bots and just keep repeating the cycle.