What have you done to this game?

I can’t help but complain. There is no way top tier players can stand the amount of randomness in this game. from cleared boards at turn 4 to full with 8/8 mobs at turn 5. I remember when it was the earlier years in this game where decks made sense. Counters to decks where made to those that were broken. Now it’s just a mess of how many cards can we get people to buy to make a deck. Insane this is how blizzard runs.

I’m hard stuck at D3

You’re stuck at D3 but you can literally get to D5 playing only bots with default decks lol

How is if random if you’re able to predict it? That’s how the game works.

Maybe you arnt top tier.

I would love to watch your face like i do the streamers when they try to theorize decks and just get poop stomped by cards you can tell by their faces they didn’t predict. I would love to see how you predict rogue decks that steal or use other classes cards. Plz step by step on turn 5-6 tell me what cards they have one by one to know what your next move is. Add me i’m ready to be taugh by you.

You cannot do the same thing with the basic HS game that was released at launch.

How about you tell me how you used to predict what cards they have in their hand at turn 5? Oh yeah. You can’t.

People tend to forget how badly RNG reliant the game was in the early years.
The outcomes were not as impressive as today, but in a game with lower powerlevel they were still game defining.
Nat Paggle, MCT, Imp-losion, arcane missile, Knife Juggler, Animal Companion, Crackle, Piloted Shredder, Tuskarr Totemic. The outcome of any of these was able to dictate the rest of the game

Its not random. Here’s how its done:

Play Death Knight.

T1-T4: Collect corpses. You need at least 9, preferably 10.
T5: Play Corpse Bride (5 mana), which spends up to 10 corpses to summon a taunt with stats equal to the corpses spent.
Also T5: Since you have spent 9 or more corpses, the cost of Stitched Giant is reduced to zero mana. So, you play those as well, giving you up to 2 8/8s.

You now have a 4/4, a 10/10 taunt, and 2x 8/8s. Your opponent has only 5 or 6 mana to respond with.

Of course, it only works on t5 if you have enough corpses banked, AND you draw a Corpse Bride and (preferably both) Stitched Giants. Obviously dropping a board like that before your opponent has enough mana for a board clear is devastating, but later in the game, not so much. Its one of those combos that is explosive when it works, but it doesn’t always do so.

Also, note that when Corpse Bride’s set (Path of Arthas) rotates out of standard next week, Corpse Bride will be ADDED TO CORE. So, this combo isn’t going away anytime soon.

Out of boredom I got to Legend even in Standard :sweat_smile: This game seems too easy when you know what to play and how play it also it would be nice to receive two Reward Chests at the end of the season :innocent:

I cant get past D9 because all i end up going against is warriors who play the 2 most dogsh!t cards in play brand and reno its so boaring to play now doesn’t matter what deck i use or how i try to conter that deck i just get my butt kicked DELETE brand and reno and anyone who plays them