What happend in the past week? Control warrior crushed

Hello everyone, I haven’t played much standard ranked in the past week. I play a control warrior deck which was able to get me to platinum. However, I am getting absolutely destroyed by every deck im playing. Usually it is shaman, paladin, rogue, and death knight decks.

Is control warrior no longer valid?

It’s been damn near impossible to get out Brann. Not to mention my zillax gets stolen every single game lol

Is it just me or is control warrior too slow and weak this meta?

It’s not the greatest. They nerfed the zilliax resummon. Reno was nerfed but it’s still good on ramp druid; the devs appear to imply the Sandwich/Taunt decks should be played; but most people report the weapon is too slow and it’s been too long without sandwich decks for them to not be right.

Control warrior here, feel your pain.

The problem isn’t control. The problems are the nerfs from “seasons” past that still linger and most of what we’ve been able to do since brann’s existence is hold until the later turns. But this expansion I’ve seen seven classes that are instantly fill and refilling board turn after turn

Control can hold some of the early face hits but we got mages doing 16 damage to face by turn 4. We’re forced to clear for survival. And after clearing, we’re punished way too much for doing so, due to board being refilled with more powerful minions than before.

We’re left with clearing tools that pale in comparison to the ability almost every class hass to fill, refill / resurrect. Hold like that for some turns, then you get 20 damage to face out of nowhere by turn 8.

Don’t think this is what you expected for a reply, but that’s mostly how I feel about it.

Best of luck if you wish to push it. I really just want to get the season board clear and move away from the game for some time.

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Yes but to be fair you thoroughly deserved it. I started playing(regularly) as a simple f2p pala when Badlands launched; Warrior was a constant tyrant to any minion-based deck since then; it literally didn’t end until Whizbangs at least.

The deck was brutally consistent at terrorizing anything that relied on a board; it was very good at surviving up to 10 mana; then boom quasi-OTKs with brann and whatnot.

I don’t share your vision, but you’re welcome to have and share your opinion.

since control deck had got nerfed, aggro and burst deck had been dominating with no end in sight. they can kill you within 5 turns and I don’t find fun or healthy for this game.

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Definitely not plain aggro. Flood paladin was dominating when everyone was goofing around on the new cards at the launch but now it’s more or less “tier 4” or 5.

Most decks now are mid range with some “burst” or OTK but they are rarely easy to play so it doesn’t feel very unfair when you lose (most of the time).

I agree with you. The clearing tools control warrior has pale in comparison to the new meta decks ability to refill and resurrect the board consistently. Not to mention, decks that can spam spells for high one-turn damage.

Which leaves control warrior defending its self for dear life and can never set up a comeback, by playing brann into escavate, boomboss, zillax, ingis (weapon discover) ect…

And zillax + inventor boom used to save control warrior from dying early to face damage, are now very easily countered.

Ive been playing wild too. Trying some differn’t control and plague decks. And its crazy how fast wild is as well.

Mid-range and OTK decks seem to just overpower any control decks ive been playing now.

I used to be able to outplay and outlast my opponent and comeback with control. Now, it seems that’s no longer a viable strategy.

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In Standard, mid-range is so powerful now, that in order to develop control they’ll have to release more “Renos”; I find that thought appalling; so power creep should be put on a leash.

What do you think of just raising health to 40? Or more cards that raise health? Obviously, we dont want control to become OP, but i feel like more health would reduce OTK and mid-range from dominating control.

To me, 40 hp is just one more turn. The mechanics are flawed.

That one more turn can give a chance to heal up. Or one more turn to prevent OTK.
Right now everything is so focused on spamming spells and minions to the face. The interactions isnt great.