What does manathirst even mean? how does it work?

There is no explanation on the cards. Sometimes they glow which means they have manathirst but there has never been an explanation.
Can someoen explain what makes them glow so you can use manathrist?

If a card has manathirst (6) then there will be an additional effect if you play this card while having at least 6 mana crystals.

If you have less than 6 mana then the manathirst effect will not happen.


Just like for any other keyword in the game you just have to hover the card for a single second for a tooltip of the keyword to appear
That works in the card library, during a game, and even in the website library


The way it SHOULD work, for proper balancing, is that mana thirst cost should be the cost when played. If you have a 1 mana card that says “mana thirst 7 get a free card” it should actually take your entire turn 7 to play that one card

Unfortunately this is not right… if you have 6 mana together with the coin… it doesn’t count… only when you have 6 mana by the round counts. :frowning: Having enough mana in total is not enough.

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It means mana crystals, not TOTAL mana.

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So you mean a “manathirst 7” card should cost 7 mana ?

yes. added cost for added benefit. As it stands, its just WAIT for the bonus. There is no downside other than waiting. The cards are good enough to play without the added benefit, if need be. Give the player a choice in whether or not they want to play it for the additional cost on turn 7. The games needsdownsides to cards. As it stands, there are hardly any.

There was a time when you had to really think about when to play cards against the opponent and their board/deck. You don’t really need to do that anymore. Just play whatever whenever. Mana curve is irrelevant when we can just make cards cost zero or severely discount them.

I don’t know in which dimension you play but a lot of manathirst cards are pretty bad without the manathirst bonus
“1 mana deal 2 damage”
“2 mana deal 2 damage to a minion”
“2 mana 2/2 freeze an ennemy minion”
“2 mana gain 3 atk this turn”
“3 mana 3/3 rush”
“3 mana 2/5 taunt”
Astalor without manathirst is a slightly better Pyros, but is arguably of the same powerlevel of “Build a Snowman”

Any time they have a new Keyword for an expansion, it’s explained in the first post for the expansion.

Not to mention all the HS sites that will repeat this information.

Thankfully, you’re not a part of the balance team. It’s already isn’t great with out this nonsense.

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thanks for the thoughtful insight, shill.

A player should be able to play and understand the game without having to rely on sources other than the game itself, even if they are officials
Gladly this is exactly how it is since we can check the keyword explanation anywhere at anytime in the game

Probably doesn’t work on phones. Lots of people play on phones.

It’s fun for simple stuff like the solo games.

I give you a point : on mobile it doesn’t work in the library
It still works during the game, the card being in your hand or on the board, if you put your finger on it, in less than a second you have the tooltip of its keywords. Hard to miss

For sure. However, the way they put it, my response still stands.

I remember the tooltip, but also the “sub-tooltips”? I can’t be bothered to check since I rarely use mobile.